Qolsys IQ Panel 4 Firmware Release Information

Here is where you will find firmware release information, patch notes, and steps on how to update the IQ Panel 4 firmware. You can subscribe to this thread to stay updated on when new firmware is available.



New Features:

  • Improved flow for local Software Update via Panel Access Point, including QR code scanning to auto connect to the network
  • New user interface changes to encourage Wi-Fi connectivity and to help panels stay connected over time to the network
  • Added Panel configuration support in advance of the pending release for IQ WiFi 6


  • Fixed an issue in 4.0.0 related to S2 versions of Linear Garage Door Openers.
  • Enhancements to Two-Way Voice audio analytics and default settings
  • Changed Severe Weather Siren notification to be unique from other types of notifications

The first time the system is powered on, it will automatically reboot before the Installation Wizard starts. This is expected as part of the initial system configuration process and will not occur again unless you perform a master reset (factory default).

Update Instructions:

Compatibility Note: Your IQ Panel must be on software version 4.0.0 or higher and connected to Wi-Fi to install
this update wirelessly.

  1. Swipe down from the top of the screen and touch ā€œSettings"
  2. Touch ā€œAdvanced Settingsā€
  3. Enter a valid installer code (default is 1111)
  4. Touch ā€œUpgrade Softwareā€
  5. Touch ā€œPatch Tagā€ and enter the patch iqpanel4.0.1 then touch OK
  6. Touch ā€œUpgrade Using Networkā€ (panel must be connected to Wi-Fi). Update will download and install
  7. Once complete touch ā€œOKā€ to reboot the panel. DO NOT TOUCH THE SCREEN. The update process will take approximately 5 minutes. After the panel reboots the home screen will appear and the LED will turn green
1 Like


New Features:

  • Support for PGxWLSHW8 & PGxHRDW8 PowerG Wired to Wireless Module firmware version 1.2. This will allow for connection of up to four (4) HSM2108 zone expanders and one (1) HSM2300 power supplies per module; increasing the total possible PowerG hardwire to wireless zone count from 16 to 80. Also added ā€œTemperatureā€ as a hardwire Sensor Type and Flood Emergency as a PGM Output Rule trigger
  • Photo Frame Screensaver images can now be loaded wirelessly from a mobile device or computer to the Panel via the built-in Panel Access Point
  • Sensors can now be individually bypassed from the Alarm.com app at the time of arming.
  • New ā€œVoltage Input Testā€ under System Tests that measures input voltage at the Panel
  • Doorbell Camera pop up notifications on the Panel now have a dedicated volume slider. This allows for independent control of Doorbell ringing volume from the main Panel volume (chimes and voices)
  • Added support for QR code scanning for IQ WiFi connection
  • Added the ability to control the Panelā€™s advanced Wi-Fi settings (frequency selection and PMF) from the Alarm.com backend
  • Added a new Night Light setting for the screen to display warmer colors
    • Applies when screen comes ā€œawakeā€ during the nighttime mode start and end time, when the main panel disarms.
  • Added support for the new PowerG Wireless Photoelectric Beam Detectors (PG9200AX & PG9350SL)
  • Added the ability to use scenes for gate control and audio control on the Panel


  • Fixed an issue where under certain conditions the temperature history from PGx905 would not display on Alarm.com
  • Option to enable/disable PMF (protected management frame) on the Panel under Wi-Fi settings
  • New setting to allow Z-Wave frequency selection based on country
  • Added the ability to utilize PowerG sirens (PGx901, PGx911) to annunciate Trouble Beeps
  • Panel Access Point can now be connected to by scanning an on-screen QR code
  • Adaptive brightness using the Panel Ambient Light Sensor is now enabled by default
  • PowerG PIR CAMā€™s (PGx934(P), NEXT CAM PG2, NEXT CAM K9-85 PG2, BW-IRC, BW-IPC, PGx944, TOWER CAM PG2, BW-ODC) will now send alarm images to the Alarm.com backend for each trip during the same alarm. period. Previously, only images from the first alarm trip were sent.
  • Added new motion detector Sensor Groups (43, 44 & 45) for non EN Grade 2 installs
  • Modified Detection Sensitivity to Detection Counter (1 event/2 event) for all PowerG motions detectors that support this feature
  • Added the ability to program the auxiliary input terminal on the PGx945 and PGx309 as Shock, High Temp or Low Temp Sensor Types
  • Increased the Z-Wave Thermostat Limit from 10 to 40 devices
  • Added several improvements when using PowerG Wire-Free Keypads (WS9LCDWFx & HS2LCDWFx) and hardwired CORBUS Keypads (HS2LCD & HS2ICN):
    • Arming with a code now arms the system to Away, unless the Auto Stay setting is enabled and the premise
      is not vacated during the Exit Delay, then the system will arm Stay
    • Fixed an issue where keypads could show a false low battery alert from a paired Bluetooth phone
    • Exit delay beep sounds now follow the main panel when ā€œExit Soundsā€ are disabled
  • Panel Wi-Fi encouragement features can be disabled in cases where no Wi-Fi is present at the installation
  • Improvements to Two-Way Voice call DTMF commands and siren disable timing
  • Added Hebrew localization

Update Instructions:

Compatibility Note: Your IQ Panel must be on software version 4.0.0 or higher and connected to Wi-Fi to install this update wirelessly.

  1. Swipe down from the top of the screen and touch ā€œSettings"
  2. Touch ā€œAdvanced Settingsā€
  3. Enter a valid installer code (default is 1111)
  4. Touch ā€œUpgrade Softwareā€
  5. Touch ā€œPatch Tagā€ and enter the patch iqpanel4.1.0 then touch OK
  6. Touch ā€œUpgrade Using Networkā€ (panel must be connected to Wi-Fi). Update will download and install
  7. Once complete touch ā€œOKā€ to reboot the panel. DO NOT TOUCH THE SCREEN. The update process will take approximately 5 minutes. After the panel reboots the home screen will appear and the LED will turn green.



  • 4.1.1 contains a critical bug fix relating to panel cellular connectivity. This critical bug fix will be pushed automatically to all IQ4 accounts.
  • Depending on carrier, some panels will automatically reboot a second time as part of applying this patch.

Update Instructions:

Compatibility Note: Your IQ Panel must be on software version 4.0.0 or higher and connected to Wi-Fi to install this update wirelessly.

  1. Swipe down from the top of the screen and touch ā€œSettings"
  2. Touch ā€œAdvanced Settingsā€
  3. Enter a valid installer code (default is 1111)
  4. Touch ā€œUpgrade Softwareā€
  5. Touch ā€œPatch Tagā€ and enter the patch iqpanel4.1.1 then touch OK
  6. Touch ā€œUpgrade Using Networkā€ (panel must be connected to Wi-Fi). Update will download and install
  7. Once complete touch ā€œOKā€ to reboot the panel. DO NOT TOUCH THE SCREEN. The update process will take approximately 5 minutes. After the panel reboots the home screen will appear and the LED will turn green.


New Features:

  • Added the ability to use Partitions without requiring the Lock Screen on the Panel
  • Added PowerG Signal Strength, displaying dbm level and graphical interface
  • IQ Remotes now allow manual selection of Wi-Fi band (2.4GHz, 5GHz or Both)
  • New setting that when activated transmits a unique event code to the CS when the Power Down function is used on the Panel
  • Added ability to offload Disarm Photos and Alarm Videos via Panel AP
  • Added ability to scan QR codes from Automation device page for easy device enrollment
  • The Security Page can now be disabled without having to enroll automation devices first (Automation Only UI)
  • Ability to soft reset the Z-Wave network from ADC is now available
  • Added support for future Z-Wave 800
  • Added System Health Check feature to the Manage My System page
  • Support for the all new IQ WiFi 6
  • End-to-end support with Alarm.com for some Zigbee lights and plug-in modules when using the optional Zigbee daughtercard (QC000E-840)


  • Modified Photo Frame mode, pressing the screen to wake does not initiate an arm/disarm function
  • While in the Clean Screen mode, the panel no longer annunciates touch sounds
  • When Swinger Shutdown is Disabled, Panel will transmit up to 128 alarms per zone / per arming period
  • Added ability to choose dimming level of LEDā€™s from an on screen slider
  • Enhanced the volume slider to allow mute of chimes and beeps
  • When disarming from the Panel during Nighttime Mode, the Panel will not emit any chime or beep
  • Made enhancements to the advanced Wi-Fi configuration screen
  • Proximity Tag Management moved from the Security Sensors page to the User Management page, which allows end users to more easily manage Prox Tags without the need for an Installer Code
  • Enhanced the red alarm banner page to show partition name/number
  • Enhancements to the Aeotec SmartSwitch 6
  • Improved Deako lighting integration
  • PowerG PIR CAMā€™s (PGx934(P), NEXT CAM PG2, NEXT CAM K9-85 PG2, BW-IRC, BW-IPC, PGx944, TOWER CAM PG2, BW-ODC) will now send up to 6 alarm images to the Alarm.com backend for each device trip during the same arming period. Previously, only images from the first alarm trip were sent.
  • Removed the help video that referenced loading PhotoFrame images from SD Card
  • Life Safety trouble beeps are now enabled by default (Group 26 /34)
  • Thermostat UI on the Panel can now show half degree increments (celsius only)
  • Improved Solar Data UI
  • Improvement to IQ Remote connectivity by automatically toggling Wi-Fi off/on if the remote keypad loses communication with the Panel
  • Improved naming conventions related to spaces in First and Last names for User Codes
  • Anti-Masking is now supported (On/Off) for PowerG motion sensors that support this feature
  • PowerG Photoelectric Beam Detector DQ trouble now displays on ADC as offline/malfunction
  • Corrected an issue with PG9905 and ADC Smarter Business Temperature Monitoring (SBTM) service
  • Corrected an issue where the PowerG Keypad/Siren will not function properly when enabled for all sounds in Partition 1
  • EN Grade 2 systems now support Duress Codes and a new Duress Authentication Setting
  • For EN Grade 2 systems with Final Exit Door Arming enabled, added the ability to arm partitions without having to trip an Entry/Exit zone
  • For EN Grade 2 systems where Final Exit Door Arming & Scenes are enabled, you can now arm using Alarm.com without needing to trip an Entry/Exit zone
  • Added messaging on the Alarm.com history to show when Exit Delay is complete
  • Panel Wi-Fi encouragement features can be disabled in cases where no Wi-Fi is present at the installation
  • Panel Camera disarm photo is captured on next motion when disarming from KP241 secondary keypads
  • Improvements made to Cellular Connectivity
  • Depending on carrier, some panels will automatically reboot a second time as part of applying this patch.
  • Includes PowerG Modem Firmware Version 3.0 / Build 10.87
  • About page now includes Z-Wave Zip Gateway information
  • Added additional language support - Turkish

Update Instructions:

Compatibility Note: Your IQ Panel must be on software version 4.1.1 or higher and connected to Wi-Fi to install this update wirelessly. Panels running 4.0.0, 4.0.1 or 4.1.0 must be updated to 4.1.1 first, then they can be updated directly to 4.2.0.

  1. Swipe down from the top of the screen and touch ā€œSettings"
  2. Touch ā€œAdvanced Settingsā€
  3. Enter a valid installer code (default is 1111)
  4. Touch ā€œUpgrade Softwareā€
  5. Touch ā€œPatch Tagā€ and enter the patch iqpanel4.2.0 then touch OK
  6. Touch ā€œUpgrade Using Networkā€ (panel must be connected to Wi-Fi). Update will download and install
  7. Once complete touch ā€œOKā€ to reboot the panel. DO NOT TOUCH THE SCREEN. The update process will take approximately 5 minutes. After the panel reboots the home screen will appear and the LED will turn green.
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  • Corrected an issue where a small number of IQ Panel 4ā€™s experienced a false panel overheating shutdown event caused by an inaccurate panel battery temperature reading.

Update Instructions:

Compatibility Note: Your IQ Panel must be on software version 4.1.1 or higher and connected to Wi-Fi to install this update wirelessly. Panels running 4.0.0, 4.0.1 or 4.1.0 must be updated to 4.1.1 first, then they can be updated directly to 4.2.1.

  1. Swipe down from the top of the screen and touch ā€œSettings"
  2. Touch ā€œAdvanced Settingsā€
  3. Enter a valid installer code (default is 1111)
  4. Touch ā€œUpgrade Softwareā€
  5. Touch ā€œPatch Tagā€ and enter the patch iqpanel4.2.1 then touch OK
  6. Touch ā€œUpgrade Using Networkā€ (panel must be connected to Wi-Fi). Update will download and install
  7. Once complete touch ā€œOKā€ to reboot the panel. DO NOT TOUCH THE SCREEN. The update process will take approximately 5 minutes. After the panel reboots the home screen will appear and the LED will turn green


New Features:

  • Added support for the IQ Remote PowerG ā€“ (IQR-PG)
  • Added a new Silent Arming icon on the Panel UI
  • Added a new setting for Force Arming - if a sensor is open during arming, and Force Arm is enabled, if/when the sensor is restored, after arming is completed, it will become armed along with the rest of the system
  • Added remote video clip support for the IQ Panel 4 built-in panel camera ā€“ create recording rules to trigger, capture clips and upload them to the Alarm.com backend
  • Added virtual device support for Wi-Fi lighting solutions such as Lutron, Deako, Jasco Pro, iDevices and Orro One Smart switches, outlets and dimmers ā€“ enabling the ability for Alarm.com supported Wi-Fi lights to be viewed and controlled from the panel
  • Added virtual device support for the Alarm.com Flex IOā„¢ā€“ Flex IO sensors are now displayed alongside other local contact sensors on the panel screen ā€“ including audible chime support for Open, Closed, and Tampered status
  • Added Z-Wave multi-channel support for Alarm.com Link for Carrier ā€“ Allows the panel to connect to the Alarm.com Link for Carrier HVAC systems
  • Added new options for the PowerG Siren to operate as Siren only, Strobe only or Siren and Strobe
  • Added a Power Off indicator option, the Panel LEDā€™s will flash orange in the event of a Power Failure
  • Added ability to easily delete multiple images at the same time on the Panel camera UI
  • Added Key switch option, when utilizing sensor type keyfob on these devices: IQ Hardwire PowerG Converter or PowerG sensors that support auxiliary inputs
  • Added support for the Alarm.com S40 temperature sensor (ADC-S40-T)


  • Added support to display humidity on the Thermostat page
  • Sensor low batteries are now displayed on the active tab
  • Enlarged font on Photo Frame when displaying weather clock or time / date
  • Reduced Panel boot time by 80%
  • Added Partition support for Control4
  • Enhancements to the Solar UI
  • Panel can now display end of life (General Trouble/Fault) for PowerG CO sensors
  • Added advanced settings for PowerG Shock sensor
  • Added advanced settings for PowerG PIR Cameras
  • Ability to disable trouble beeps sounding on PowerG Sirens
  • Corrected an issue where Alarm.com cameras streaming to the Panel would not time out
  • Enhanced KP-141 and KP-241 support, including full partition support
  • Swinger shutdown for PowerG PIR Cameras now follow an 8-hour reset time in addition to disarming
  • Enhanced PowerG PIR Cam functionality related to capturing / sending images during life safety events for PowerG 868 MHz panels (Europe)
  • Corrected an issue that could cause PowerG PIR Cams images to be sent along with the incorrect event if activated during exit delay
  • Corrected behavior for Group 43 & 44 when utilizing EN Grade 2
  • Added additional siren timeout options for international markets
  • System Check now takes a daily picture from the Panel Camera as part of its 24 hour system test. This picture is stored locally on the panel
  • Includes PG Modem V4.0 firmware

Update Instructions:

Compatibility Note: Your IQ Panel must be on software version 4.2.0 or 4.2.1 or higher and connected to Wi-Fi to install this update wirelessly. Panels running 4.0.0, 4.0.1 or 4.1.0 must be updated to 4.1.1 first, which then can be updated directly to 4.2.0 or 4.2.1. Once updated to 4.2.0 or 4.2.1 they can be updated directly to 4.3.0.

  1. Swipe down from the top of the screen and touch ā€œSettings"
  2. Touch ā€œAdvanced Settingsā€
  3. Enter a valid installer code (default is 1111)
  4. Touch ā€œUpgrade Softwareā€
  5. Touch ā€œPatch Tagā€ and enter the patch iqpanel4.3.0 then touch OK
  6. Touch ā€œUpgrade Using Networkā€ (panel must be connected to Wi-Fi). Update will download and install
  7. Once complete touch ā€œOKā€ to reboot the panel. DO NOT TOUCH THE SCREEN. The update process will take approximately 5 minutes. After the panel reboots the home screen will appear and the LED will turn green.


New Features:

  • Added support for all new PowerG Automation Devices!
  • IQ Lock - PG
  • IQ Dimmer - PG
  • IQ Switch - PG
  • IQ Socket - PG
  • IQ Smart Plug - PG
  • IQ Outdoor Plug - PG
  • Added a new Automation icon for automation device enrollment & management (Installation/Devices/Automation).
  • Added support for Night Arming mode. Panel now supports Stay, Away & Night.
  • Created a new Pin Code setting to access profiles & network map on the IQ WiFi 6 Dashboard.
  • Added support for Aeotec Indoor Siren 6.
  • Added Group 50 which will now allow for simultaneous SBTM service from Alarm.com & Central station signaling.
  • Added Group 11 (Day zone) and Group 21 (Night Motion).
  • Added Groups 61 & 62 - latching Panic Buttons will now send restorals.
  • Allow Exterior PowerG Motions to be enrolled as a Door/Window sensor type (PowerG ID 129 & 130).
  • Added the option to display ambient temperature on the IQ Panel 4/IQ4 Hub screen when using any PowerG device that reports temperature.
  • PowerG Smokes can now sound difference cadences for Intrusion, CO, or Fire when using the ā€œPowerG Smoke Detector Sirenā€ option as additional sounders.


  • Changed Z-Wave naming convention for Settings related to Automation.
  • Added support for Z-Wave Weiser/Kwikset Lock supervision requests.
  • Improvements to text size and movement in Photo Frame Screensaver.
  • Enhanced downloading of images and videos from the Panel to a mobile device.
  • Implemented a 30 second arming delay for IQ Panel 4ā€™s built-in Panel Glassbreak.
  • Corrected an issue where the ADC S2000-T Temp Sensor would not pair properly.
  • Added support for managing user codes remotely for Yale Doorman PG (Nordics Region).
  • New Setting for PowerG Outdoor Siren (Activation/Comfort LED) allowing the sirenā€™s LED to stay on continuously.

IQ Remote PowerG Improvements:

  • Added the ability for the IQ Remote PowerG to power up after an extended power failure / battery drain - after power is restored the remote will power on.
  • Corrected an issue where Nighttime Mode was not working properly on IQ Remote PowerG.
  • Modified Power Button functionality on IQ Remote PowerG (power down / reboot requires a 10 second press).
  • Added support for Thermostats and Garage Door control on IQ Remote PowerG.
  • Added ā€œWeather Clockā€ to the IQ Remote PowerG Frame options.
  • Weather to the IQ Remote PowerG now functions on both PowerG and Wi-Fi pairing.
  • Added support to IQ Remote PowerG for ā€œInstaller Test Modeā€ (siren silenced).
  • Added support to the IQ Remote PowerG for Doorbell notification pop-up & chime when paired over PowerG and Wi-Fi
  • IQ Remote PowerG paired via PowerG will automatically upgrade on first enrollment instead of waiting 24 hours.
  • Communication improvements (sync/delay).

Update Instructions:

Compatibility Note: Your IQ Panel must be on software version 4.3.0 or higher and connected to Wi-Fi to install this update wirelessly. Panels running 4.0.0, 4.0.1 or 4.1.0 must be updated to 4.1.1 first, which then can be updated directly to 4.2.0 or 4.2.1. Once updated to 4.2.0 or 4.2.1 they can be updated directly to 4.3.0 and then 4.4.0.

  1. Swipe down from the top of the screen and touch ā€œSettings"
  2. Touch ā€œAdvanced Settingsā€
  3. Enter a valid installer code (default is 1111)
  4. Touch ā€œUpgrade Softwareā€
  5. Touch ā€œPatch Tagā€ and enter the patch iqpanel4.4.0 then touch OK
  6. Touch ā€œUpgrade Using Networkā€ (panel must be connected to Wi-Fi). Update will download and install
  7. Once complete touch ā€œOKā€ to reboot the panel. DO NOT TOUCH THE SCREEN. The update process will take approximately 5 minutes. After the panel reboots the home screen will appear and the LED will turn green



  • Added a critical update relating to recovery of cellular connectivity in certain cases where it could become disconnected from the network ā€“ this firmware is for all IQ Panel 4, IQ4 Hub, and IQ4 NS systems.

Panels that are not upgraded to 4.4.1 may have difficulty reconnecting to the cellular network, if the cellular interface experiences a disconnection

Update Instructions:

Compatibility Note: Your IQ Panel must be on software version 4.3.0 or higher and connected to Wi-Fi to install this update wirelessly. Panels running 4.0.0, 4.0.1 or 4.1.0 must be updated to 4.1.1 first, which then can be updated directly to 4.2.0 or 4.2.1. Once updated to 4.2.0 or 4.2.1 they can be updated directly to 4.3.0 and then 4.4.1.

  1. Swipe down from the top of the screen and touch ā€œSettings"
  2. Touch ā€œAdvanced Settingsā€
  3. Enter a valid installer code (default is 1111)
  4. Touch ā€œUpgrade Softwareā€
  5. Touch ā€œPatch Tagā€ and enter the patch iqpanel4.4.1 then touch OK
  6. Touch ā€œUpgrade Using Networkā€ (panel must be connected to Wi-Fi). Update will download and install
  7. Once complete touch ā€œOKā€ to reboot the panel. DO NOT TOUCH THE SCREEN. The update process will take approximately 5 minutes. After the panel reboots the home screen will appear and the LED will turn green.



  • Fixed an issue where certain hardwire panic buttons using a PG4945 transmitter (Model not compatible with Surety systems), and where programmed as Auxiliary Pendant, Group 2, could generate a daily alarm signal.
  • Text to speech (TTS) changes in Spanish (EspanĢƒol, EspanĢƒa).
  • Compatibility for PG8935 (Model not compatible with Surety systems) firmware version 6.70. Addresses an issue that could cause a false alarm.
  • Keyswitch option removed when language changed to Italian (Italiano, Italia).
  • Corrected an issue that prevented editing of sensors via the panel UI.
  • Various security fixes & improvements.

Update Instructions:

Compatibility Note: Your IQ Panel must be on software version 4.3.0 or higher and connected to Wi-Fi to install this update wirelessly. Panels running 4.0.0, 4.0.1 or 4.1.0 must be updated to 4.1.1 first, which then can be updated directly to 4.2.0 or 4.2.1. Once updated to 4.2.0 or 4.2.1 they can be updated directly to 4.3.0 and then 4.4.2.

  1. Swipe down from the top of the screen and touch ā€œSettings"
  2. Touch ā€œAdvanced Settingsā€
  3. Enter a valid installer code (default is 1111)
  4. Touch ā€œUpgrade Softwareā€
  5. Touch ā€œPatch Tagā€ and enter the patch iqpanel4.4.2 then touch OK
  6. Touch ā€œUpgrade Using Networkā€ (panel must be connected to Wi-Fi). Update will download and install
  7. Once complete touch ā€œOKā€ to reboot the panel. DO NOT TOUCH THE SCREEN. The update process will take approximately 5 minutes. After the panel reboots the home screen will appear and the LED will turn green.
1 Like


New Features:

  • Added support for IQ Lock PowerG rule handling from Alarm.com:
    • Please Note: For new installations, update to 4.5.0 BEFORE enrolling PowerG Automation devices.
  • Added PowerG Automation device name sync between Alarm.com and the Panel.
  • Added support for the soon to be released IQ Keypad.
  • Added Dark Mode UI option under Settings/Display.
  • Added a new UI page to support Shutter/Blinds.
  • Added a new UI page on the Panel to control Manual Command Output of IQ Hardwire PowerG PGMā€™s (PG9WLSHW8/PG9HRDW8).
  • Added a new Global EOL option. Define EOL inputs for IQ Hardwire PowerG (PGxWLSHW8/PGxHRDW8) devices at a global setting level.
  • Added ability to re-add deleted zones from a Corbus or IQ Hardwire PowerG Device from Alarm.com.
  • Added ability to add Corbus devices from Alarm.com.
  • Added the ability to Swap Sensors. You can now edit the DL ID of a sensor instead of being required to delete
    and re-add from scratch.
  • Added new Solar Page setting to enable Solar Installation tracker.
  • Added support for IQ Installer Interface. IQ Installer now works on IQ Panel 4 and IQ4 Hub as an optional method of programming and faster & easier local firmware update in addition to the previously supported IQ4 NS and IQ Pro.
  • New sensor option added to allow (or disallow) bypassing specific zones.
  • Added a toggle option that will disable Instant Alarm when a delay zone is opened after an alarm event.
  • Added the ability to allow the Master code to enable/disable the Bluetooth radio.
  • Added a toggle that can allow a User Code access to the WiFi menu on the Panel (only available on single
    partition system ā€“ multi-partition only configurable by Master).
  • Added a toggle to allow a User Code to delete Panel camera images.
  • Added a new option on the Add/Edit sensor menu for the Panel chime to function on open, closing or both.
  • Reinstated the ability to enable/disable life safety trouble beeps where desired. Refer to local guidelines.
  • Additional options for Keyswitch (arm only) have been added.
  • Added improved Power Management notifications on the Panel and to Alarm.com:
  • AC under and over voltage notifications on Panel and to Alarm.com as an AC trouble condition.
  • Added additional battery trouble indication while AC is present.
  • Added support for PowerG+ PIRCam (PGPx934P)
  • Added a new programming option for Engineer Reset ā€“ Tamper. Used in EN Grade2 systems & in Belgium.
  • KP241 keypads can now control Manual Command Output of IQ Hardwire PowerG PGMā€™s (PG9WLSHW8/ PG9HRDW8).


  • Corrected an issue where group 61/62 was not sending alarms/restorals to the CMS properly.
  • Removed the ability to utilize Group 50 (Temp reporting CMS) refer to TSB #240515.
  • Updated the Power Down warning message.
  • Updated EULA.
  • Addressed a potential issue where in rare situations the panel UI could experience delay in responding to touch events.
  • Various bugs fixes and improvements.

Update Instructions:

Compatibility Note: Your IQ Panel must be on software version 4.4.0 or higher and connected to WiFi to install this updated wirelessly. For any Panels below 4.4.0, update to 4.4.0 first via steps above.

  1. Swipe down from the top of the screen and touch ā€œSettings"
  2. Touch ā€œAdvanced Settingsā€
  3. Enter a valid installer code (default is 1111)
  4. Touch ā€œUpgrade Softwareā€
  5. Touch ā€œPatch Tagā€ and enter the patch iqpanel4.5.0 then touch OK
  6. Touch ā€œUpgrade Using Networkā€ (Panel must be connected to Wi-Fi). Update will download and install
  7. Once complete touch ā€œOKā€ to reboot the Panel. DO NOT TOUCH THE SCREEN. The update process will take approximately 5 minutes. After the Panel reboots the home screen will appear and the LED will turn green.
1 Like



  • Added support for a Settle Delay Timer at the end of exit delay, to allow devices to restore at time of arming. (UK Feature) (NEW).
  • Increased panel and Alarm.com support for PowerG PIR Cameras to 20 devices up from 10 devices.
  • Corrected an issue where PG automation device command buffers could artificially be inflated.
  • Corrected an issue where IQ4 panels with IQ Hardwire PowerG Modules that updated to v4.5.0 could have their programming change (TSB # 240729).

Update Instructions:

Compatibility Note: Your IQ Panel must be on software version 4.4.0 or higher and connected to WiFi to install this updated wirelessly. For any Panels below 4.4.0 ā€“ please review the software update instructions located at SOFTWARE DOWNLOADS - Qolsys

  1. Swipe down from the top of the screen and touch ā€œSettings"
  2. Touch ā€œAdvanced Settingsā€
  3. Enter a valid installer code (default is 1111)
  4. Touch ā€œUpgrade Softwareā€
  5. Touch ā€œPatch Tagā€ and enter the patch iqpanel4.5.1 then touch OK
  6. Touch ā€œUpgrade Using Networkā€ (Panel must be connected to Wi-Fi). Update will download and install
  7. Once complete touch ā€œOKā€ to reboot the Panel. DO NOT TOUCH THE SCREEN. The update process will take approximately 5 minutes. After the Panel reboots the home screen will appear and the LED will turn green

Issue with POWERG PIR CAMERAS - IQ PANEL 4, IQ4 HUB, IQ4NS - 4.5.1

If you utilize PowerG PIR Cameras, it is recommended to not update panel firmware to v4.5.1.

We have recently discovered that IQ Panel 4, IQ4 Hub and IQ4NS panels utilizing PowerG PIR Cameras
(PGx934(P), NEXT CAM PG2, NEXT CAM K9-85 PG2, BW-IRC, BW-IPC, PGx944, TOWER CAM PG2, BW-ODC, PGPx934P, NEXT CAM P8Mx), and that have upgraded the panel firmware to v4.5.1, may encounter an issue where PowerG PIR Cameras are draining the batteries at a higher-than-expected rate. If you utilize PowerG PIR Cameras, it is recommended to not update panel firmware to v4.5.1.

Interim Resolution:
If you are experiencing this issue, the following should be done:
ā€¢ Arm the system to Away. Wait 30 seconds. Disarm the system.
ā€¢ Assign ALL PowerG PIR Cameras on the system to Away Groups only (17, 20, 25 or 44). Do not use Stay or Night arm Groups.
ā€¢ Change the Settle Delay Timer to Zero (0) seconds.
ā€¢ These settings may be changed remotely from Alarm.com

This issue will be addressed in an upcoming firmware release




ā€¢ Corrected an issue where PowerG PIR Cameras may drain their batteries prematurely

Update Instructions:

Compatibility Note: Your IQ Panel must be on software version 4.4.0 or higher and connected to WiFi to install this updated wirelessly.

  1. Swipe down from the top of the screen and touch ā€œSettings"
  2. Touch ā€œAdvanced Settingsā€
  3. Enter a valid installer code (default is 1111)
  4. Touch ā€œUpgrade Softwareā€
  5. Touch ā€œPatch Tagā€ and enter the patch iqpanel4.5.2 then touch OK
  6. Touch ā€œUpgrade Using Networkā€ (Panel must be connected to Wi-Fi). Update will download and install
  7. Once complete touch ā€œOKā€ to reboot the Panel. DO NOT TOUCH THE SCREEN. The update process will take approximately 5 minutes. After the Panel reboots the home screen will appear and the LED will turn green.