Procedure to upgrade IQ4 and IQ Remote PG


First you will update your IQ Panel 4 with the instructions below from this link:

  1. Swipe down from the top of the screen and touch “Settings"
  2. Touch “Advanced Settings”
  3. Enter a valid installer code (default is 1111)
  4. Touch “Upgrade Software”
  5. Touch “Patch Tag” and enter the patch iqpanel4.5.1 then touch OK
  6. Touch “Upgrade Using Network” (Panel must be connected to Wi-Fi). Update will download and install
  7. Once complete touch “OK” to reboot the Panel. DO NOT TOUCH THE SCREEN. The update process will take approximately 5 minutes. After the Panel reboots the home screen will appear and the LED will turn green

Then, with WiFi enrollment, the IQ remote will automatically update upon enrollment:

  1. Enable Wi-Fi on the IQ Remote PowerG (same Wi-Fi network as the
    primary panel).
  2. From primary panel, start process for pairing IQ Remote using Wi-Fi.
  3. Press “Wi-Fi Pair” on IQ Remote PowerG enrollment page.
  4. The remote will connect and start looking for software updates (if a
    new software exists, it will download and install it then go to home