Thermostat Malfunction

I removed and added the thermostat but now it says the thermostat is unreachable at Screenshot by Lightshot

How can I fix this?

TSTAT is still in malfunction. Follow the above instructions to resolve and be sure to run a Z-Wave Network rediscovery after pairing. Then test the TSTAT locally and remotely for function.

I tried to run a Z-Wave Network Rediscovery but it got this error Screenshot by Lightshot


Youll need to resolve the TSTAT malfunction first. Then run the rediscovery.

How many feet is it from the panel to the TSTAT?

How many feet is it from the Wireless Repeater (node ID 8) to the TSTAT?

How do I resolve the TSTAT malfunction?

The panel to the TSTAT is 20 feet, but when I try and rediscover it is 2 feet away as I bring it closer

What is the Wireless Repeater (node ID 8)?

How can I fix this?

The panel to the TSTAT is 20 feet, but when I try and rediscover it is 2 feet away as I bring it closer

This would be part of the issue.

The Tstat and panel must be in their permanent spots when a rediscovery is run. A rediscovery maps communication routes and neighbor nodes for Z-wave devices. If the devices are not in their normal installed positions during a rediscovery then the routes will not be helpful when the panel or device is moved back to its spot.

Add the device close to the panel, run the rediscovery when everything is back in its normal spot. Any change in behavior? If not, the Z-wave radio in the thermostat may be failing.

What is the Wireless Repeater (node ID 8)?

That device reports as an Aeotec Z-wave repeater.

I tried a rediscover in its permanent spot and it showed the same error

What else can I do?

To test, do the following:

  • Clear the TSTAT from the panel network
  • Add the TSTAT to the panel network
  • Run a Z-Wave Network Rediscovery

Does the TSTAT pass the rediscovery?

If not you may need to clear the TSTAT again, Factory Reset the TSTAT, then re-pair and run a Z-Wave Network Rediscovery.

If this fails, either the TSTAT is failing and needs to be replaced, or the distance between the TSTAT and the nearest repeating Z-Wave Node is too great.

More information on T2000 pairing and troubleshooting can be found here:

Thanks, that worked!

The only issues I have now is I keep getting a low battery error Screenshot by Lightshot

I change the batteries with brand new batteries and 3 days later I get this error.

This has happened 3 times the last 2 weeks that I had to add brand new batteries

I tried using different brand batteries, but it still gets low battery after 3 days

What can cause this?


Battery drain on a TSTAT can be affected by a few factors:

  1. Using incorrect, batteries. recommends using high-quality, brand name, alkaline batteries. Sounds like you have done this.
  2. Not being connected to C-Wire for power will drain batteries quicker. Based on your description, there is no C-Wire, so this may not be an option.
  3. When Z-Wave communication is poor, the thermostat uses more power attempting to connect to the controller This is a likely cause as the TSTAT has been in malfunction and showing poor communication repeatedly. This issue may resolve on its own so long as the network communication remains consistent.
  4. Hardware failure. The TSTAT may be experiencing hardware failure causing the batteries to drain more quickly. The only solution for this is replacement.

How can I check for #3 from the issues above about a poor connection? Is there a test I can do?


You can view signal strength for the Z-Wave Network. Settings > Advanced Settings > System Tests > Z-Wave Tests > Z-Wave Diagnostics. This will bring up a color coded map.

Refer to page 112 of the manual for more information:

I ran this report and found this Screenshot by Lightshot

What does it mean?

You can view a guide via page 93 of the installation manual. The panel also has a key.

Each node is a Z-Wave device. If the dot is black, the device is active. If the dot is red, it is inactive/unreachable.

The pathway between the dots is the signal strength. Sold green is good, dotted green is ok, and no path is no communication.

From the picture, the thermostat is unreachable.

What does the range extender 7 aeotec with the red X mean at Screenshot by Lightshot

Any devices with a red X would be unreachable at the time of the test. You can review the Key on what the different symbols mean from the test page and in the linked installation manual above.

How can I add and remove my thermostat from the IQ panel?


Steps on how to Clear and Add Z-Wave devices from the IQ Panel can be found here:

The thermostat in use will have specific instructions on how to put the TSTAT into Include/Exclude mode. If you are referencing the T2000 from above, those instructions are here:

Steps on how to add and exclude the T2000 can be found here.

General guidelines for Z-wave setup can be found here:

Thanks the thermostat is working now, but it is not working on my app

I was able to configure it and connect to the app, but when I try to turn on the thermostat nothing happens.

How can I fix this?


  1. Ensure the App is on the most up to date version.
  2. Log out of the app, then back in
  3. Test for functionality
  4. If not working, test remote control via the Website, any change?
  5. If no change, test via panel and local control