Surety Plans

Surety Plans Overview

Surety plans are monthly subscriptions that connect your security alarm to and our professional monitoring center. All Surety plans include an account with varying features and options.

Visit the Surety Plans page to sign up for a plan and get started.

:heavy_check_mark: = Included in plan
:heavy_plus_sign: = Available as add-on

All Alarm System plans include Professional Monitoring. If you don’t want Professional Monitoring you can opt out and receive a $5/month discount on the plan.

Surety Alarm

Optionally self-monitor and pay only $14/month

Surety Alarm is our most basic security alarm monitoring plan. It provides incredibly fast and reliable professional alarm monitoring and remote control with the most advanced, state of the art technology.

Surety Alarm includes:

Available add-ons for Surety Alarm are:

Surety Home

Optionally self-monitor and pay only $17/month

Surety Home includes everything in Surety Alarm and adds Home Automation as well as additional security features. Control, connect, automate and protect everything that matters most.

Surety Home includes:

Available add-ons for Surety Home are:

Surety Protect

Optionally self-monitor and pay only $21/month

Surety Protect includes everything in Surety Alarm and adds Cameras plus visual verification of alarms. It’s the ultimate security plan to connect and protect your home.

Surety Protect includes:

Available add-ons for Surety Protect are:

Surety Complete

Optionally self-monitor and pay only $24/month

Surety Complete includes everything in Surety Alarm, Surety Home, and Surety Protect! It’s our most comprehensive home security and automation plan.

Surety Complete includes:

Available add-ons for Surety Complete are:

Surety Cam


Surety Cam is our stand-alone security camera plan for those who need cameras but no security alarm system. It includes all the camera features in Surety Protect without the alarm system features.

Surety Cam includes:

Additional cameras and cloud video clips can be added on.