Camera ADC-V723

Do I need to add camera option on my current plan for this camera to work? I currently have the home plan for $22.


Happy to assist!

You would need the Video Add on in order to incorporate video and connect the V723 camera.

However if you are looking to utlize Video Analytics with the V723, the Surety Complete service plan would be needed.

Changes to your service plan are made through the System Manager feature of your Surety account.

This process can be done at anytime. Once video is added, you can add the camera to your ADC account via the Video tab in the mobile app/website.

Connection steps for that camera can be found here:

More information on Video Analytics can be found here:

Some other helpful guides:

Thanks. Ive tried all three ways to connect the camera; bia app, AP mode and WPS. My internet router is starlink with no WPS button/mode. Any suggestions?

ADC video service is not compatible with Satellite internet.

I had understood since starlink had no bandwidth restrictions it wiuld be ok. I was able to get my Qpanel to hook upbto internet and camera to use the Qpanel as a wifi access point. The camera has a solid green light….???

ADC states incompatibility with Satellite, as above. I can’t speak to the exact technical reasons, but in addition to bandwidth, latency is higher with satellite options, and connection reliability is lower.

Yeah I can see the reliability issue concern. Maybe this can help someone with SL internet. I got it to work finally after trying most of the day. I made sure my IQ panel was hooked to the SL wifi. Then set the camera so the white light was blinking and then set it into the IQ panels Access Point. Then went through the mobile app process. In that sequence it recognized the cameras firmware needed updating and after it updated it is now working as it should.