How To Add an Widget to Android

This guide will show you how to create Widgets on your Android device to trigger Scenes at the touch of a button without having to open the app to do so.

This is a very handy feature, especially if you fire up a scene or two with regularity.

Android widget requirements
Usage of Android widgets require certain device and account requirements:

  • Must have an connected system compatible with scenes.
  • Android 4.0 or higher: The Android widgets feature requires a phone or tablet running
    Android OS 4.0 or higher.
  • app version 3.7 or higher.
  • Seamless login: must stay logged into the app (with the “keep me logged in” option checked on the app). If not, customers will be asked to log in when attempting to trigger a scene.

Let’s get Started

  1. Start off by navigating to your mobile device’s Widgets page.
  • Accessing the Widgets menu can be a different process for different Android devices. Sometimes it will be an option from the Apps menu.

  • Other times it will be accessed by pressing and holding (long press) the home screen to get the Home Screen menu to appear.

    (Galaxy S8 example)

  1. Tap on the Widget to select it and open up the Scenes menu.
  • In some Android phone models and various operating systems, the Android widget is named Scenes rather than When searching for available widgets, search for and/orScenes.

  1. Select the Scene you would like to be bound to the widget from your list of Scenes in
  1. The Scene’s chosen icon will show up as a widget on your Android devices page.
  1. You can tap on the widget whenever you want to activate that Scene in!
  • You can long press the widget icon to delete should you need to.