How to trigger an Scene through Google Home / Google Assistant?

Goal: I would like to be able to voice activate specific Scenes I have configured.


  • I realize there are some actions (e.g., disarming the alarm) that are not supported via voice commands, so that limits some (but not all) my scenes, which is tolerable.
  • I found this voice device feature comparison table that indicates there is no way to control ADC scenes through Google Home / Assistant.

Request: Is anyone aware of a work around to make this possible? If I have a scene that locks the doors, sets the alarm to arm-stay, and turns off the lights, it is silly that I would need to say “Hey Google, tell to XYZ” over 3 times to accomplish all those things… Help!

This is undermining the whole utility of the system for me.

It is not possible to run scenes using Google Home. There has been no change in this for a long time, unfortunately. I am not familiar with all the walls in this case. I believe there were policy issues last I checked.

As an alternative, scenes are supported in Amazon Alexa skills if it is required through a voice control.

Another option may be Siri voice shortcuts:

Otherwise scenes can also be set up as widgets on your phone home screen to trigger with one tap.

Thank you, Jason.

For general awareness, I was successful in finding a work around by creating a Google Home Routine that replicates the Scene instead of trying to trigger the Scene itself. Here is a help page on setting up a custom routine.

You can set a voice command trigger and set what commands you want that to execute. You are able to add multiple execution commands and effectively add each of the elements of a Scene separately.

It’s very inefficient, but it works so far, though I don’t think there is a way to circumvent the limitations on voice unlocking or disarming system components.