New IQ Panel 4 issues

Gotta admit…this is the best part about Surety…the support site.

I was planning to order an IQ4 but after reading all these reports tonight I going to avoid it like the plague until they get their firmware issues (and possibly hardware) ironed out. I swear Johnson Controls ruins everything it touches…

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Just installed a new panel.
The green light on the back wall is a result of a tiny hole, in the housing of the camera adjustment screw.
Covered it with a small piece of black electrical tape, and no more green light shining on the back wall.

Was there ever a solution found for the popping sound? I just installed a brand new IQ4 and am having the same issue. Popping sound a second or two after haptic sound

Power cycling the system may help to resolve the issue. Should this fail, can you submit a recording of the sound so we can submit this to Qolsys?

I just received a new qolsys panel 4 and set it up. I have the same popping noise a second or two after any audio event… Whether it be haptic feedback from touchscreen or being asked by panel to enter user code. Version 4.3. Is there a fix for this? Discouraged that this is happening to a new piece of equipment.

How is the panel being powered? Are you using the included 7V power supply and existing cable, or a pre-existing cable run?

  • If using a pre-existing cable run, how long is the wire and what gauge is it?

Have you rebooted the panel?

  • Settings > Advanced Settings > Reboot

If no change, do an extended power down for about 10 minutes

  • Settings > Advanced Settings > Power Down. Disconnect power supply from the wall once off.

Can you send us a video sample of the noise you are encountering? You can send this to us at or via private message

I have this clicked as well. I have assumed it was due to enabling the glass break sensor on the panel. I haven’t bothered investigating yet. I get a slight click when interacting with the panel, but it’s delayed so not haptic.

Using included 7v adapter.

Tried powering down for 10 mins and unplugging but it did not resolve.

I took a video but it’s 75mb and it’s too large to send over email. The private message link also doesn’t let me upload attachment…

Can you make the video shorter, or compress it in a zip file then email it? The video doesn’t have to be long, just enough that we can confirm the sound you are referencing and how interacting with the panel causes the sound.