MyQ hub is opening both garage doors instead of the on requested

@jwcsurety I just executed the scenes this time only the creek side responded. For real ?! you can see there was an error on the lift side tilt sensor.

That’s very strange. Ok, when able, please be sure to check both tilt sensors and make sure they are upright with the correct orientation and attached near the top of the door.

Sometimes borderline low battery levels in the tilt sensors can gum up the works, but the fact that they open and close reliably individually makes that an unlikely cause.

The recommended course is not fun, but likely necessary, which would be a factory reset of that wifi hub, then reconnect to wifi and relearn the two doors.

Both doors opening when you send a command to one is a common problem. The opposite is not a common problem and a factory reset is probably a good idea to be sure.

To factory default it, press and hold 821LM gear button on the Wi-Fi Hub until the blue LED blinks, then release.
While the blue LED is blinking, hold 821LM gear button on the Wi-Fi Hub again until the blue LED pauses, then blinks again. You will also hear a beep and see the yellow LED briefly blink.
The Wi-Fi Hub is now restored to its’ factory default settings.

@jwcsurety Should I try the power cycle first ?
That is disturbing, considering I used a new hub to NOT have to do this all over for a 4th time .
Does that mean clearing the memory of the openers as well ?

Yeah, I would just try the power cycle first, much easier test.

I am trying to anticipate and give more than just a single step considering you won’t be able to try it until later.

Are you adding the doors prior to connecting it to or are you using the setup wizard to add doors after linking your Gateway?

Is either door sensor over 30 feet from the hub? They must be within 30 feet.

I don’t think clearing the memory of the openers is necessary here. Be sure to only have one powered up at a time when learning though.

@jwcsurety Well the current hub I followed Tyler’s post on how to setup and install a Liftmaster MyQ…
I connected to the hub via mobile then add wifi connection via
Then I login in ADC via chrome on mobile, devices, add liftmaster follow the prompts.
The Tilt Sensors are 6-7 ft away, don’t think that’s an issue.
I am a Pro at this point, LOL
Thanks for your time.!

Hey, I guess I could use 2 hubs and let 1 control each door as a last resort, What do you think about that ? I would really only like to do that as a last resort though.

@jwcsurety Still NO Good. power cycle netted no response to open/close both commands.
Only individual control.
So reset hub relearn the openers with one unplugged while learning the other. both opened with the open scene command, but zero response to the close both scene. The position sensor caused a disabling of the doors for not responding to the close command. After trying all combos thinkable to cause both doors to open and close together, non were successful. So on to my bright idea (or so I thought) to use both hubs. Doing so I was able to control either door individually. This worked fine(Individual Control) for both doors on a single hub or using both individually on a seperate hub for each. But open both command only operated the creek side door. and a close both command caused the hubs to beep and blink but no response from either opener.
Any thoughts? Thanks Joe

Using two different hubs is not necessary, but it is very interesting to see a similar result that way.

I have a suggestion to test, but it requires removing these from ADC and adding them directly to the MyQ app, and checking if the same occurs through the MyQ app.

If it works the same through MyQ, you’ve likely got a strange interference issue, or a physical issue causing the openers to lock up. There are safety overrides when the door fails remote commands, if you are testing the exact same way each time there may be something about the order that is having an impact.

To test it in MyQ app they will need to be deleted from ADC. Would you like me to remove them so you can test that?

@jwcsurety Sure , why not at this point. I can break down and move the scaffold in my sleep, LOL. I’m at work now will try later tonight and report back.
The home kits were ordered at the same time, there is no sensor frequency issue with them being of the same lot is there?
I think they are Bluetooth, so I wouldn’t think it was, but just thinking out loud.
Thanks again !

Alright, those have been cleared. Give those a shot pairing the openers with the MyQ app. Let me know if you see the same or different operation.

I have never seen this kind of frequency issue. Usually it is the opposite, like you first saw, where both doors open when one is activated. That happens when the two overhead units use the same frequency and both were operational during pairing.

What is the angle of those garage door tracks?

@jwcsurety functions as expected via the app. Hub can open and close both simultaneously.
I’ll get back to you on the angle. They were custom made so door can ride the ceiling. The lift Side was pocketed in the ceiling so it could be opened with a car on the lift and on the air. That motor I can barely fit my hand behind to got button.

@jwcsurety as expected Chamberlain States it’s an ADC issue and can’t help.

Thank you, yeah that’s a good test and indicative of a potential issue with the commands being relayed between ADC and Liftmaster. I’m checking with ADC to see if they can confirm what is going on and if it can be resolved quick on their end.

@jwcsurety As always thanks for your time and help.!

I spoke with again and they had to do some digging but a higher tier tech stated that this is actually a rare issue they have encountered before with the Wifi hub in particular, where ADC will send commands to the hub, but only one works (presumably just the first one to be received). This lends to the random nature and makes it harder to identify.

It is an issue between Liftmaster and ADC. They are working with Liftmaster to fix but there is no ETA.

There may be a couple work-arounds if you want control through and simultaneous opening/closing:

  1. Linear Z-wave opener may be an option depending on your system and panel distance.
  2. Do your liftmaster openers have a MyQ logo on them? I am curious if they might be compatible with the 828 LM. They might not be based on the manual, but worth a look.

I just removed 2 Linear Z wave units, They just randomly stopped working. I believe it was after the z-wave card was updated. I opted to replace them because they are prone to failure anyways. I thought I chose one of the more reliable options, especially since of the placement of the openers.

I doubt the openers have the MyQ logo they were manufactured in 10/99.

It is a reliable option, the issue is communication between ADC and Liftmaster, maybe an issue with a Liftmaster API. I can only speculate on that though.

ADC did say that you should be able to use two separate hubs actually and make it work. They expect that to work anyway. But you said you tried that and had the same problem, right?

@jwcsurety so I come home last night and test the garage doors and I am no longer able to independently control them via the MyQ app only both doors open or close when I select a single door to open or close and then conversely if I manually open one and select to close it the app the closed one opens while the open one closes, so now I’m not so sure if it isn’t a problem with Chamberlain.
and yes the result was no different when I had both hubs connected still did not work as expected.
Iirc with both hubs one would open and neither would close the hubs would flash and blink but the openers would not respond to the close command

I’m surprised that I haven’t run into this in reports before. That’s very interesting to see it happening through the MyQ app directly. Yeah I assumed it was an API issue, but it may just be a bug in the hubs themselves.

Now that it is happening without ADC involvement, if you report that to Chamberlain support do they have any steps to fix it?

@jwcsurety hey Jason I have added the other hub to ADC, I thought we were on to something but it turns out still only the one door it works when the both door command is sent.
I will elaborate more over the weekend as it’s a very long story.
One interesting note that you can possibly relay to ADC, is that when I added in the second door to the hub it hung on the confirmation screen waiting to hear back that the door was actually added. Strangely the second door that was added shows up first in the app. so it’s as if the second door is somehow canceling the first door out in the ADC api I believe.

One interesting note that you can possibly relay to ADC, is that when I added in the second door to the hub it hung on the confirmation screen waiting to hear back that the door was actually added. Strangely the second door that was added shows up first in the app. so it’s as if the second door is somehow canceling the first door out in the ADC api I believe.

Have you tried the pairing process locally at the garage hub? That would mean adding doors by tapping the number buttons on the hub.