My Alarm Duplicate Armed without Me Arming it - Help


Yes, could you please send 1.16 OTA via go Bridge? Thank you.

No, I cannot. 1.16 is not available OTA, only local upgrade. It’s possible it will never be added to ADC for OTA since it does not carry any changes for ADC users.

It would need to be applied using an update cable

Have there been any more updates on this?

At this time 1.14 is the most recent firmware that can be pushed via OTA.

So is the proposed solution to wait for a firmware version higher than 1.14?

2gig or anyone else have no interest in trying to determine what the glitch is?

Does 2 Gig want to consider sending a “test panel” to see if that resolves the issue to isolate that this only occurs on older panels? Can’t the data easily be backed up and restored to a new panel (GC2)?

I would think they would want to know this issue and to fix it for customers if it is on their end and the customer is not causing the issue

Does 2 Gig want to consider sending a “test panel” to see if that resolves the issue to isolate that this only occurs on older panels? Can’t the data easily be backed up and restored to a new panel (GC2)?

Unless this is a panel under manufacturer warranty, replacements are not available. Firmware 1.16 can be downloaded and applied using an update cable.

We’ve actually checked a sample of 1.14 panels for the signs of auto-reboot in history, and no other panels checked had any indication of this.

These may have come up in other threads, but to help in determining possible resolution:

  1. What is the Date Code on the panel?
  2. What voltage do you read at the DC± terminals powering the panel from the supply?
  3. Does your module model number end in GCCDMV-AN or GCCDMV-A?

Date code as stated earlier in the thread is 201133

Voltage as 13.4

I can’t see anywhere where the model number is indicated. Perhaps you can gather that from the date code?

I don’t want to do a manual firmware update. Last time I did that it bricked a TS-1. I prefer over the air. If ADC is not aware of this issue I don’t see how they would have wrote a fix for it in 1.16. Th risk is not worth it to me.

I can’t see anywhere where the model number is indicated. Perhaps you can gather that from the date code?

I mean the cellular module model number. It would not be affected by panel date code. It can be found on a sticker which will be facing up when viewed inside the panel on a Verizon module, starting with “2GIG-GCCDMV-XX” where XX is either A or AN.

It is AN

Any progress on this?

I’ve noticed something on my ADC Simon XTi panel that I wonder if it might not be a clue.

Each morning at 2:00 AM my panel goes blank except for the green AC power icon in the upper right corner. It remains this way for at least 30 minutes. There are no audio alerts when this happens. The panel is set to Armed Stay before and after the event.

I’m wondering if this is a standard event for ADC for everyone and if, some how for the OP it’s leaving him in this armed state?

I’m also wondering what the true system state is during this nightly 2:00 - 2:30 period. If someone were to break in, would my alarm sound or am I vulnerable from 2:00 to 2:30 AM each day???

I’m wondering if this is a standard event for ADC for everyone and if, some how for the OP it’s leaving him in this armed state?

No. It is not for all panels, but the XTi screen does automatically blank at 2:00 AM per user manual.

I’m also wondering what the true system state is during this nightly 2:00 – 2:30 period. If someone were to break in, would my alarm sound or am I vulnerable from 2:00 to 2:30 AM each day???

This is normal for Simon XTi and does not affect any functionality.

Any progress on this?

Unfortunately the best troubleshooting step that can be performed atm is a firmware update which cannot be sent OTA. In the meantime we are following up with 2GIG but we’ve been unable to replicate.

So am I to assume ADC or 2 GIG are not responding to Surety as to how to investigate to try and ID the problem for a resolution?

So am I to assume ADC or 2 GIG are not responding to Surety as to how to investigate to try and ID the problem for a resolution?

The diagnostics for the panel have all been used. If the panel is power cycling itself, it is likely the equivalent to a crash and reboot, considering you have stated the physical aspects of troubleshooting looked fine.

The remaining troubleshooting steps are:

  1. Firmware Update. If the problem is indeed software based, the panel software cannot be manipulated within UI, so a full firmware update would be needed.
  2. Replace Panel.

Should a manual firmware update be undesirable, I think there is one possible OTA option, however it would need to be sent twice:

First 1.14 would be sent in a different language, then again back to English. Unfortunately it is impossible to send the same exact version OTA again, but if you wish to try the alternate language swap, we can give it a shot.

I’m wondering if this is a standard event for ADC for everyone and if, some how for the OP it’s leaving him in this armed state?

I’m also wondering what the true system state is during this nightly 2:00 – 2:30 period. If someone were to break in, would my alarm sound or am I vulnerable from 2:00 to 2:30 AM each day???

Above post edited. This is actually totally normal for the XTi specifically and is just a screen refresh interval.

From the manual: Note: The touch screen will automatically blank at 2:00 am daily for 60 minutes.
Touch the screen to reactivate.

I am OK with sending it in another language then back to English.

Is there a way to notify me when this would take place so I can know when its “over”.

We can confirm when the firmware is reporting as completed to the new language. Given the time it can take for completion I would recommend waiting until tomorrow to start the first update. Both may not be able to push back to back in the time remaining today.

However, if you would like to go ahead, we can schedule that for you.

This is actually totally normal for the XTi specifically and is just a screen refresh interval.

From the manual: Note: The touch screen will automatically blank at 2:00 am daily for 60 minutes.
Touch the screen to reactivate.

Sorry to hijack the thread…

Tommorow is fine. Please schedule and thank you

Sorry to hijack the thread….

NP. Took me a minute to remember that. :slight_smile:

Tommorow is fine. Please schedule and thank you

Alright, we’ll get the alternate language push started in the morning and the English version as soon as that is done.