IQ Panel 2+ not responding

Today my IQ Panel 2+ has stopped responding. When I try to run the cellular test it shows “An unknown error occurred. Please try again later”. But the Cellular Connection is connected, and has 4/5 bars.

It is also connected to WIFI, the tests there pass with no problem. But dual path is not kicking in either. It has been disabled. When I try to enable it, it turns itself right back off.

I have rebooted it multiple times. Have also powered it off, disconnected from power, removed the battery, and waited 15 mins. Still same result.

Any thoughts?

As a test, perform another complete power cycle. Leave the unit off to 20 minutes. Check the battery to ensure it is not swollen and connected correctly. Also ensure the power supply/cable is firmly attached.

Are you using the included power supply and cable, or an existing cable run?

Same result. I left it probably 30 mins or so. The battery seems to be fine, not swollen. I believe I replaced the battery in it around a year ago. If I unplug the unit from the power it will run on battery no problem. It’s also using the power cord that came with it. It’s been running fine for years (purchased in 2020). I have had it stop responding a couple of times in the past after a reboot. Usually I just power it completely down and power it back on and it would be fine. This time the power off isn’t helping.

If I unplug the unit from the power it will run on battery no problem

I assume it still does not communicate when running on battery only, correct?

It is also connected to WIFI, the tests there pass with no problem. But dual path is not kicking in either. It has been disabled. When I try to enable it, it turns itself right back off.

As a test, navigate to Settings > Advanced Settings > Wi-Fi. Forget the network. Then reboot the router. Once rebooted, reconnect to the network. Are you able to communicate via Wi-Fi?

I assume it still does not communicate when running on battery only, correct?

Battery only. Yes, same result. No communications.

As a test, navigate to Settings > Advanced Settings > Wi-Fi. Forget the network. Then >reboot the router. Once rebooted, reconnect to the network. Are you able to >communicate via Wi-Fi?

Still no communications. Still can’t turn on dual path. A little different this time. The first time I try it, it says “Network Connection Failed”. If I try again it doesn’t say anything, the checkbox just disables itself.

Note, the Wi-Fi Test does pass.

I also turned off power management in the installer settings. Same result.

To clarify, when you turn off wi-fi and forget the network, can you turn it back on and reconnect to the router? If not is that when you get s “Network Connection Failed”.

  • Forget wifi network
  • reboot
  • no communication
  • reconnect wifi
  • no communication
  • try to enable dual path
  • “Network connection failed”

And also, after reconnecting the wifi. The wifi test does pass. But still no go.

Based on the lack of cellular communication, ability to connect to the local Wi-Fi Network, and the troubleshooting done, the panel is likely experiencing hardware failure.

A Master Reset would be the last step in troubleshooting. This will revert User codes, panel programming, and sensor/Device programming to default.

If communication can be restored via a backup is on file from 2/20/2025. This can be pushed to the system after communication restoral. Backups contain User codes, Sensor Programming (Not Z-Wave devices) and panel programming.

If communication is not restored, then the panel would need to be replaced. The backup could be pushed to a new Qolsys panel if necessary.

What’s the process for this? I reset the device and then let you know so you can try to push the restore to it? …assuming the reset works that is.

Master Reset is found under Dealer Settings. Settings > Advanced Settings > Enter Dealer Code (default 2222) > Installation > Dealer Settings > Master Reset (towards the very bottom of the list, or search for it).

You may want to place your monitoring account on test mode for this.

Once the reset is complete the panel will reboot. Wait 5 minutes or so then run a cellular communications test. Any change?

No luck. In the initial wizard I got the same error.

I have a couple of powerG sensors, along with a lot of IQ sensors. I think that means I can’t use the iq4 hub right? I would need to get the more expensive full IQ Panel4?

The Hub only works with one sensor type: PowerG or Qolsys 319.5.

The IQ Panel 4 works with powerG and one legacy type (like 3193.5MHz). The IQP4001 would be the direct replacement if you want to use both PowerG and Qolsys 319.5MHz.

Ok. Thanks for the troubleshooting help.

I just ordered a new IPQ4001. From what you said before, it sounds like you can restore my old sensors and codes, minus a couple of z wave devices I have. Once I get it, should I just skip most of the initial setup steps (I’m guessing still connect to wifi though) and then follow up here to let you restore it?

Order confirmed. It includes a complimentary month of service (via new subscription) Would you like me to cancel that unused subscription and apply the complimentary month to your active service account?

It may be possible to pass a backup wireless sensor programming from the Qolsys IQ Panel 2/2+ on Firmware 2.6.0 to the new Qolsys IQ Panel 4. If interested, please review this guide here and let us know. Do not program the new panel or swap to it via your Surety login if going this route.