I’m a happy Surety customer since 8/2017 when you helped me migrate my professionally installed hybrid Concord 4 system to Surety/ADC.
Since the very beginning, I’ve had one CO sensor (Zone 14 “Second Floor Gas”) generate a false alarm in certain situations, causing the local fire department to show up at my door. The central monitoring station told me that because this is a gas detector, they cannot undo the dispatch even when I tell them it’s a false alarm. I’ve been putting it off, as it doesn’t cause issues in normal situations, but I want to address and fix it now (I’ve had the same fireman a friend come out twice this summer!)
It happens in certain specific situations (I cannot tell exactly what triggers it), when (I think) I try to arm the system when some windows are open. Again, I’m unable to tell exactly what causes this. The most recent false alarm was last night at around 8:10pm ET (Tues 9/7). I was outside, wanted to arm the house (some windows were open) using the ADC app, and then the dreaded call came from the central monitoring station, followed by the fireman ringing my doorbell.
When I arm stay (overnight) or arm away (leaving for vacation), all my windows and doors are closed, hence no issue.
Anyway, a bit more background:
- My “detector” sensors
Sensor name Zone Reporting Type Physical Type
Basement Fire Alarm 8 Smoke/Heat Smoke/Heat
Basement Gas Detector 7 Carbon Monoxide CO
Garage Gas Detector 2 Carbon Monoxide CO
Second Floor Fire 16 Smoke/Heat Smoke/Heat
Second Floor Gas 14 Carbon Monoxide CO
Smoke First Floor 15 Smoke/Heat Smoke/Heat
The problem sensor is Zone 14 (Second Floor Gas).
FWIW, in 8/2017 when we activated ADC with Surety for the first time, Zone 14 was not detected. I don’t remember exactly how we fixed it, but maybe after a scan it popped back up in Zone 14 on ADC list.
There are 6 detector type sensors around the house (see table above), and some are reporting as “Smoke/heat” and some “Carbon Monoxide.” But when I look at the two 2nd floor sensors, they both look identical (see attached pictures).
Because they look alike, I don’t know which is Gas and which is Fire. How does ADC determine which is which? Is the same sensor able to function as either one?
FWIW, both sensors on the 2nd floor (shown in pics) have flashing green light.
What could be causing the “Second Floor Gas” detector to generate an alarm when clearly there’s no CO present?
Can you help me identify which of the two 2nd floor sensors is the problematic sensor?
Once the problematic sensor is identified, what can I do to eliminate the false alarm?
Any help would be greatly appreciated!