Wifi jamming by thieves

Correct. Any time you need to use Wi-Fi, you need to unplug the ethernet cable. The Ethernet Card does not need to be removed.

Wi-Fi is enabled by navigating to Settings > Advanced Settings > Wi-Fi

Another thing I neglected to mention, once you install the card and connect via ethernet, you will likely get a Wi-Fi error on the System Check page of the home screen. To resolve this, you will need to disable Wi-Fi Warning Messages in Dealer/Installer Settings.

Ill try and get a guide put together for it, as we do not have one. I will follow up here with a link to it once I have posted it

got it, thank you, again.

More information on that card, including installation.

Thank you so much for your guidance… I installed an ethernet card, disabled Qolsys WiFi … all good now. The Power G siren/strobe is next…

One more question… for ADC-V724 cameras, is SD card based on-board recoding possible with ongoing cloud event recordings as well as on-site ADC-CSVR126 NVR? It would make sense since if WiFi is jammed, the videos will be recorded on SD cards as cloud/NVR recording will be down.

A camera can record continuously to an Onboard Recording schedule and SVR recording schedule at the same time.