What is an Offline (Supervisory) Malfunction trouble condition and How To Resolve

Z-Wave device is in malfunction or offline

If a Z-Wave device is showing that it is offline, then it is not responding to commands or communicating with the Z-Wave network.
As soon as a response is received from a malfunctioning Z-Wave device, it is automatically put back into online status.

  1. Verify the device has power and is turned on.
  2. Verify the Z-Wave device is within range of the Z-Wave network.
  3. Verify if a successful network rediscovery has been performed recently.
  4. If a Z-Wave device is still offline after attempts at network rediscovery, it may be necessary to delete and relearn the Z-Wave device in order to bring it back online.

Refer to the below guides for proper Z-Wave network setup and panel specific instructions to Add/Remove devices and run a Z-Wave Network Rediscovery.