I am not able to Arm/Disarm my 2Gig panel remotely, either with iPhone app or from my computer browser. It sends the command, but never finishes. Radio signal strength is 15. What should I do?
I am not able to Arm/Disarm my 2Gig panel remotely, either with iPhone app or from my computer browser. It sends the command, but never finishes. Radio signal strength is 15. What should I do?
15 is marginal at best. if it is dropping below that, or goes into roaming mode, you have a problem that can result in dropped communications or intermittent signaling.
What type of module do you have? Check the antenna. Make sure it is properly positioned and installed. What is the result of performing a cell test at panel after a reboot?
If the test is successful, you may need to relocate panel. If you have a 2G module you need to replace it with a 3G one. if you have a 3G module, you may want to have Surety/your Dealer check it out via backend, or push it to ADC. otherwise, it may be a tower issue.
On the other hand, it may indicate damage to panel and/or cell module.
Thanks ruven.
Well, it was working with this level. I never had a problem before . I was not arming/ disarming remotely for the last few months, so i don’t know at what point it stopped responding. I think i have a verizon 3g radio and have verizon cell phone that works fine, so i don’t think it is a tower or signal strength. I would reboot the panel and perforn cell test.
In looking at the signal history, the last 6 remote arming command attempts look to have all been acknowledged by the system at the same time. The signal strength on the account is not extremely high, but is also extremely consistent with fast response time.
A command sent to report signal strength from your system was acknowledged immediately.
Can you try arming your system remotely at this time and see if there is any delay?
It is working now. I armed it and disarmed it from my phone and it worked. Thanks. What was wrong?
My guess is it was probably a tower issue.
Your cellphone and panel do not use the cellular spectrums (LTE/XLTE/VoLTE for phone, 3G PCS CDMA for panel)
Verizon is currently updating all towers nationwide and refarming the 3G PCS Spectrum CDMA/EVDO to LTE/XLTE/VoLTE. Lots of those using the Verizon CDMA cell module are reporting communication issues like yours.
It was likely tower related. Outbound signals always appear unaffected, but inbound commands will delay. This is a fairly good indicator. This could also be affected by a Cell network extender in your home or a neighbor, but that would not resolve on its own.
Thanks for the explanation. I just don’t understand how it didn’ work yesterday when i tried dozen of times, and it worked today when you told me to try. I assume you don’t have access to cell towers and you cannot fiddle with it. It’s like magic:)
cellphone and panel do not use the cellular spectrums
Ops. Meant they don’t use the same cellular spectrums.
If it was tower related, it would have just started working on its own, soon as the Verizon tower went back online for the PCS network.
Thank you both. Hopefully it does not happen again.
Hopefully it does not happen again.
invest in the 2GIG broadband bridge. Actually, its a good idea for anyone who does not plan on upgrading to the GC3 anytime soon.
does that mean that alarm could be tripped, and panel unable to call out and communicate with central station?
If you lose cellular connection, and your alarm is tripped, your panel will not communicate with central station or alarm.com. All communication to central station is relayed through alarm.com.
If you have the broadband bridge, and the cell is down, the panel can still communicate if your internet connection is operational
Dual path
Wow. Any idea how often verizon has these outages? And is att gsm 3g any better?
The issue we are referencing is not a communication outage. Those are invariably due to local equipment malfunction.
The issue that occurred was an interruption to inbound command data not able to route properly to the cell module. This is rare, and I don’t recall this affecting the same user twice. In the past it has taken a little longer to resolve.
Outbound signals have, in the cases I have worked on where tower changes were the culprit, never been affected.
I seem to be having the same issue, all other features work well which I equate to the Go!Bridge but remote arming/disarming not so much. It eventually does work but usually takes several tries and other times the Alarm.com app never updates. My cell strength is over 20.
The issue listed earlier in the thread would typically affect all inbound commands, not just arming, (though that is what most commonly brings it to light), and shouldn’t really occur with a Go!Bridge.
In fact, I am not seeing any signalling issue on the account. All commands are being acknowledged within 10 seconds. Are you saying the app is not updating the status properly? Or if you send an arm command, your panel is not arming? This would be a separate issue.
Keep in mind the App will typically take a little longer to update the status after sending the command. When you say it eventually works, how long does it take the app to update status?
I seem to be having the same issue, all other features work well which I equate to the Go!Bridge but remote arming/disarming not so much. It eventually does work but usually takes several tries and other times the Alarm.com app never updates. My cell strength is over 20.
Unlikely the issue is the same.
With the broadband bridge and cell, for that to be true, that would indicate:
The bridge is completely dependent on the speed of your internet connection.
Even if you cell module broke and went completely dead, or if you even removed it from the panel, your system would still be able to communicate and initiate remote arm/disarm commands almost instantaneously via the bridge (unless there is an internet problem on your end)
Otherwise, there would have to be an issue with the alarm.com data center (which would then be widespread affecting approx. hundreds of thousands of other users (which doesn’t appear to be the case).
Process of elimination dictates in your particular case, that the following is most likely true:
DSL broadband connections are a joke, and little better than dialup, and you would think would actually be slower than cellular 3G. So for those who add the bridge to a DSL broadband internet connection, I would not expect instantaneous communications.
The issue listed earlier in the thread would typically affect all inbound commands, not just arming, (though that is what most commonly brings it to light), and shouldn’t really occur with a Go!Bridge.
That’s where I get my line of thinking because all other commands such as unlocking/locking the door, turning lights on/off and adjusting the thermostat happen with in seconds. Viewing my cameras is not an issue either, no delay.
In fact, I am not seeing any signalling issue on the account. All commands are being acknowledged within 10 seconds. Are you saying the app is not updating the status properly? Or if you send an arm command, your panel is not arming? This would be a separate issue.
I’ve not tried this while standing at the panel but will when I get home.
Keep in mind the App will typically take a little longer to update the status after sending the command. When you say it eventually works, how long does it take the app to update status?
I just tested this by sending a disarm command, it flashed (tried) for over 2 minutes and came back to the same state. However, I checked the app 1 minute later and it now shows disarmed. Again, what confuses me is all other commands are almost instant. Is the disarm/arm command a completely different function?
My internet connection is 35mb, I’d never have DSL unless it was my only option. On a funny side note, I now know what “No entry” delay means, I set the alarm off yesterday afternoon upon returning home, I’ve never seen two cats move so fast!!