Turning off Ecobee for fire

Looking to Create a Thermostat rule to turn off my ecobee whenever a Smoke/Fire alarm is in effect. Is this possible? Currently I only see turning off thermostat whenever my flood sensors are activated.

Thermostat shut off during a smoke, fire, or CO alarm is not supported with ecobee through Alarm.com.

More information on what ecobee and Alarm.com integration supports can be found here:

Thank you for your feedback, Tyler. Is there any thermostat that could do this?

There isn’t a complete list for this compatibility. All of the Alarm.com Smart Thermostats support this feature and in general, other Z-Wave Thermostats compatible with Alarm.com should as well. The 3rd party wi-fi tstats do not work with this feature.

Alarm.com Smart Thermostats

Thank you Tyler, I will use the search function More vigorously in the future.

We’re always happy to answer questions

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