Test wired bell on PowerG to hardwire?

I have a IQP4 with a Powerg to hardwire. The wired sensors are working. I wanted to run a test on the bell/siren, but could not find the option on the IQP4. I can test the siren on the panel and it sounds along with the IQ Remote, but the hardwired bell does not. I have to trip the alarm to get the hardwired siren to sound.

Is there a way to test the bell on the powerg to hardwire from the IQP4?

There is no setting for changing the Hardwire PowerG bell output test response that I am aware of. It sounds like you are referencing Settings > Advanced Settings > System Tests > Panel Test, right? No, I believe that the bell output of the Hardwire will only activate on alarms.

Testing the system in general is recommended via an alarm activation so you know all the components are functional.

Testing steps and recommendations are found here:

Thanks. Yes, I was hoping for a way to test or chip the bell/siren from the panel without tripping the alarm. Seemed like something that should be possible, but I accept that it’s not built into the product at this time.