If you have cancelled service with your provider, you would just need to purchase service and activate service on our website to get started. Use the link below to start that process.
When you cancel service with a provider, they will cancel that Alarm.com account. You can check the status of your panel IMEI at the link above to verify it is unregistered and ready to activate again.
Activation on our website can be done at any time, and it can take as little as 5-10 minutes if you have your system powered up and ready to go. Your new Alarm.com account is created automatically as part of the process. If your old account has been cancelled you can reuse the same username as before when filling out the activation form.
You can activate service from anywhere, however generally a cell communication test run at the panel screen is required to get the communication started. Sometimes the panel can start communicating with Alarm.com without that test, but it is not guaranteed.
You won’t be able to login to the new Alarm.com account until the panel begins communicating with Alarm.com on your new account.
We support the panels listed in the link below.
If you have one of those and the master user code you can get started. You wouldn’t need any info from the old provider typically.