SkyBell HD issues

My SkyBell HD has been acting up since June with error messages like Video Device - Not Responding and Unable to Retrieve Configuration. It had worked fine previously for several months. I added a wireless repeater which solved the wireless connectivity issues. Now the doorbell has phantom button pushes. I went through troubleshooting with SkyBell support. They had me remove the bell from the mourning bracket. It revealed a puffed out/bulging battery that has deformed the back of the case.

SkyBell stated that they cannot replace an ADC-branded device. They said the seller should be able to do so (and they would have replaced it with a non-ADC SkyBell if I hadn’t mentioned it). As I purchased this device from SuretyDIY, what are my options?

I have the same problem. Although it’s been a problem since the beginning now it’s an ongoing issue. Also the battery bloated from the summer heat and skybell is refusing to just sell me a battery and is requesting I purchase new unit. Never would consider another one hopefully will partner with ring instead.

As I purchased this device from SuretyDIY, what are my options?

Happy to help!

Should you have purchased a Skybell from suretyDIY with a defect and need a warranty replacement, you can find our warranty policy here on our website.

The warranty period on the Skybell HD is one year.

For information on the purchase or warranty details, please email

I have the same problem with the battery bulging and pushing the ringer away from the contacts. I bought mine a little over a year and is out of warrenty, so I searched Amazon for “503040 battery” and ordered the replacement battery.

I did the same installed a new battery but the doorbell still goes dark and occasionally only connects. I really wish would utilize another another doorbell manufacturer because this one is junk!

Btw I contacted skybell and their customer service is awful and they only suggested for me to buy another doorbell.

What I did was soldered some wires directly on the pins and that fixed the contact issue. It seems they intentionally designed the battery placement, so it fail when the battery bulges. At first I thought the doorbell was going into sleep mode or something,cause I would push the button and it would stay on for while.

Do you also get occasionally a greenish yellow color? This happens when battery is not connecting to unit

That’s what I used to get, but I believe the yellowish green means it just got power again and is booting up. Due to poor contact from the doorbell camera to the mounting braket where the wires are connected. That’s why I connected the power wires directly to the doorbell (crappy skybell) instead of where they’re supposed to go.

I noticed the same battery problem with my Skybell HD. It took me a while to figure out though.

During the day I would never be able to connect and at night it would seem to work. I thought it was my wifi at first until I took it off the mount and noticed the battery bulge. I have seen similar things in some of my other electronic products that swing between extreme temperatures, like my dash cam.

Given the failure after about a year, I definitely would say it is not a good design given the product is meant to be used outdoors.

My unit is over 1 year old so no more warranty. I like the idea of replacing the battery, but usually it is only a temporary fix. In the meantime I adjusted the contact pins on the doorbell by pulling them out slightly to more consistently connect with the power terminal screws. So far it is working again during the day.

On a side note, I was looking into the Ring as an alternative after running into the original issues, but will wait until the Skybell is completely dead now that it is working again.

I have seen similar things in some of my other electronic products that swing between extreme temperatures, like my dash cam.

Battery wear is more prevalent in devices exposed to temperature swings.

I will say that our test Skybell HD remained on a desk in a climate controlled office and showed signs of some expansion of the battery. We were using a 12VDC power supply. We’ve brought up the issue with and Skybell.

If you do replace the battery, make sure that it has identical specs.

David I soldered a wire to each pin, I’ll post some pictures later to give you an idea. I tried removing the pins and soldering directly to the board, but had trouble removing them. When I have more time I will try soldering them directly, cause the wires don’t get good grip on the pins I just wanted a quick fix for the meanwhile. I still have the bloat battery and it’s working fine. The battery that I ordered don’t have the connector, so I have to remove it from the old one and install it on the new one.

Another note I’m waiting for the new Nest Hello to come out. I hope it’s compatible with ADC, but doubt it. I may still get it if doesn’t work ADC since Nest Hello has great specs and seams to be a more reliable company.

Some pics

Need to make the pictures file size smaller

Here’s the pics

one more


That’s smart. I just bent the connector prongs and it has been working well.

Thanks for the reference for the battery.
Here some pictures of my battery swap. Took basically 10mins to do…
And the old one was defitively bloated!

I had to cut off one of the 2 retaining clips from the black housing to put the new battery

2nd picture