QOLSYS IQ4 Remote Panel causing Network Modem - Malfunction

Just installed an IQ Remote panel and connected it to my IQ4 Main panel. Works great, but as soon as I connect it, I get a Network Modem -Malfunction message on the main panel and 2 double beeps every 10 seconds.

If I switch either panel to a different wifi network the issue disappears but I lose connectivity between the panels. I also tried setting the main panel Access point and connecting the remote to that. It worked for connectivity but sill giving me the error and the beeps (which are driving my dogs crazy)

I did a wifi & cellular test and both passed and also tried turning off the dual path setting. None of those helped with the Network Modem – Malfunction issue or the associated beeps.

All the updates have been done to the best of my knowledge
IQ Remote 4.2.1rc2
IQ4 P/N IQP4002
Software 4.2.1-ADCS 9.12.2
Build 20221003_b2
Linux 4.9.112
Android OS Version 9

I do see another topic about similar beeps related to a failed smoke detector, which I also happen to have…I’ll remove that from the system and see what happens, but that doesn’t really explain the Network Modem - Malfunction message and why it only beeps when the remote panel is paired. The smoke detector has been failed for a while and just haven’t gotten around to it.


From the installation guide linked here, the IQ Panel 4 must be on firmware version 4.3.0+

The latest available firmware is version 4.5.1, released August 2024. You can refer to the Surety Support Forum linked here for a guide on updating your panel.

Please let us know if you continue to have trouble after this update.