Qolsys IQ Pro questions

I currently have a 2GIG GC3 and I’m looking at the IQ Pro that would be compatible with my current 2gig devices, 345mhz I think. I have a metal roof and cell service is not great anyways in my neighborhood. I currently have a Verizon communicator and will be switching to ATT as that service is a bit better. With all that said, does the plastic version of the IQ Pro support an external antenna? I would need around 30 feet of cable from the proposed mounting place of the IQ Pro. My day-to-day job is pretty IT technical, so I think I would be able to handle installing the IQ Pro. I do like the simplicity of the IQ panel 4 though. Any advice?

The IQ Pro with the plastic enclosure does not support external antennas but the IQ Pro with metal enclosure does.

The part number for the antennas are:
15 feet - LTE-15ANT
25 feet - LTE-25ANT
50 feet - LTE-50ANT

The IQ Pro panel is a great panel with many features but if you currently have a 2GIG GC3 with an all wireless system, the ATT IQ Panel 4 with the 345Mhz Radio would be a better choice especially if you have connection issues. If you get a table stand, you could place it anywhere in your home to try and find better cell signal. The IQ Panel 4 does not have an option for external antennas. You can then add secondary keypads where needed for arming and disarming needs.

I ordered the IQ Panel 4 with the ATT cell module. Will see how it goes. Thanks for the help.

Is there any way to transfer the config from the GC3 to the IQ 4? Or do I have to enroll all the security sensors back in (some door locks, thermostat, etc)

Unfortunately there is no backup and restore process between the GC3 and Qolsys panels.

Z-wave devices cannot be backed up and need to be cleared first. You can do that from the new panel, just make sure to run the Remove Device steps on each Z-wave device first via the steps below.

Ok - thanks for the info. Sounds like a weekend project.