Panel constantly giving notifications

Hello, I have 2gig GC2 panel, motion senors and smoke detectors. Recently, the panel starts to give notifications on one motion detector and smoke detector’s low battery life. I changed batteries for them and the notifications still show, and it beeps at night as well (the panel notification). The beep is loud and won’t stop until someone go to the panel and acknowledge it. It is annoying at midnight. Is there anyway to disable the notification?

For the motion sensor, what is the life span of it? I just changed the battery 2 months ago.

For the smoke detector, it may due for replacement. My current one 2gig wireless smoke & heat alarm. Could you let me know where to buy and how to connect it to my panel?

Thank you!

When replacing batteries, many sensors require a period of time with no batteries installed to be able to successfully register the low battery as resolved. Try taking the batteries out of both of those sensors, wait for 2 minutes, then reinsert the batteries.

This lets residual charge dissipate and the sensors can register the battery levels.

Batteries should last 3-5 years on average for 2GIG sensors.

The 2GIG SMKT8 would be the replacement smoke detector. It is currently out of stock on our store however it may be available through other online vendors.

You can acknowledge the trouble condition, but unless the underlying issue is solved the condition will resume later.

Hello, thanks for the response. For the smoke detector, I cannot locate a vendor that sells it. Is there any other model that I can use which is compatible with GC panel?


There are a large number of vendors that sell the 2GIG-SMKT8

Here is a link to Google search results for the model number. The 2GIG-SMKT8 is the current model.

Below is a guide on programming the sensor: