Issue with Concord Installer Code and cell test

OK the system seems to work from the website, and the user codes I entered there work disarming locally.
I went ahead and did the activation wizard, without doing the test in above email first.

However, I am not sure the Installer Code (default) is working, press 8 then (default code) and NOTHING, or 8 (default) then 3 still NOTHING after a timeout back to date & time.

Any ideas, looks like I still do not have installer code? or ?

Welcome to the forum, happy to assist!

Records indicate that commands sent to default the installer code were successful. In order to run a cell test at the panel please try the following:

  • Press [8].
  • Enter the Installer Code or Master Code.
  • Press [3], then [1].
  • Enter the Installer Code or Master Code once more.

Upon completion, there will be no indication of success or failure. The keypad may scroll through programming and beep, however, you should be able to confirm that the cell test was run in your history under “Activity.” This will be labelled panel manual phone test.

This is the issue I am having. Concord 4.
So far no luck on the Installer/Dealer code, but communication seems to be OK with ADC.
Will try Installer Code again this AM.

User codes I set on ADC work locally for arm/disarm. App iOS arms-disarms system too.
How can I check “System Master Code” — was that defaulted too?
That would be additional troubleshooting info as all TouchPads take “System Master Code” for owner changes IIRC?

It’s a recent Concord 4 system with takeover “private label TouchPads” (March 2017 install).
I wonder if all as-built pads might be the kind that do not allow Dealer/Installer programming? Ugh.
[i.e. original dealer uses ADC back-end toolbox and temp keypads at panel to do local programming, is that common?]

I probably need learn/master “technique” to pull TouchPads off the wall (without damaging anything) to check the OEM inetrlogix TouchPad model number too.

Good news system seems to fully work “as-built” by OE installer. Not 100% tested yet but shows “all ok”…Bad news I cannot add a Resolution 319.5 sensor in-hand, and a z-wave light controller yet… House going to be unoccupied for holidays and I really want an independent water check for the sump ASAP and temp check for HVAC !

User codes I set on ADC work locally for arm/disarm. App iOS arms-disarms system too. How can I check “System Master Code” — was that defaulted too?

The Master Code is the code associated with your primary user #1 in

It’s a recent Concord 4 system with takeover “private label TouchPads” (March 2017 install). I wonder if all as-built pads might be the kind that do not allow Dealer/Installer programming? Ugh. [i.e. original dealer uses ADC back-end toolbox and temp keypads at panel to do local programming, is that common?]

Generally all keypads can be used for programming, but some do not display as much feedback as others when doing so.

To run a cell test:

– Press [8].
– Enter the Installer Code or Master Code.
– Press [3], then [1].
– Enter the Installer Code or Master Code once more.

If you can send codes in ADC then access lock should be off, so you should be good to go. I’ve sent a command to default the installer code again (4321). Let us know if you are still seeing issues.

Good news system seems to fully work “as-built” by OE installer. Not 100% tested yet but shows “all ok”…Bad news I cannot add a Resolution 319.5 sensor in-hand, and a z-wave light controller yet… House going to be unoccupied for holidays and I really want an independent water check for the sump ASAP and temp check for HVAC !

You will need the installer code for the 319.5 mhz sensor programming as that is done through the keypads.

However, you do not need the installer code to add Z-wave devices on a Concord. You do not interact with the keypad at all to do so. Adding Z-wave devices is done on the module via a programming button. See instructions starting on page 7 of the manual.


The cell test sequence worked with the ADC #1 code — I setup in ADC…“master code”
It “accepted” the code and I could move on.

With 4-3-2-1 (reset installer code #) nada same as before nothing no response after enerint the digits prompt is still “ENTER CODE” on top line of display…

thoughts ?

Hrm. It appears the commands are being acknowledged, but your should see the prompt switch to “Enter Command”

I’ve just sent a few more commands to make sure Access Lock is off and default the code. Can you try 8, 4321 again. Does it switch the prompt like it does for the master code?

:frowning: does NOT show “enter code” with 4-3-2-1

does show enter code with my (master via ADC) code …


  1. Additional info:
    Examined status LEDs in comm module; all seemed “nominal” (per ADC/intelogix install guide PDF v1.0 except:
    LED L4 (green or yellow)
    did not see series of flashes indicating signal level; observed steady pace blinking of green led more like:
    “If LED L4 is continuously flashing, the module provisioning process is in progress. The signal level indication will resume after the process completes.”

  2. also tried to add zwave light switch, not sure I got that correct…but have not retried (that was probably my technique)…assuming ADC simply picks it up on back-end after I add device successfukky locally)

Hopefully we can get the installer code reset!

???? does NOT show “enter code” with 4-3-2-1

does show enter code with my (master via ADC) code …


ADC indicates that a power cycle may be necessary if the commands are not initially successful. Can you fully power down and power up your panel at this time?

Let us know and we will then resend the installer reset command.

also tried to add zwave light switch, not sure I got that correct…but have not retried (that was probably my technique)…assuming ADC simply picks it up on back-end after I add device successfukky locally)

Yes, ADC will see the new devices when they have been uploaded from your panel. There may be a short delay to this.

To add a device:

  1. Press and hold the button on the module.
  2. Release the button once the L2 LED flashes in groups of four.
  3. Trigger the Z-wave device learn button to add it to the network.
  4. When a device is added successfully, the L2 LED will be solid for 60 seconds.
  5. You will need to re-enter Add Mode before triggering the next device

OK. Just did full power cycle. I think. Pulled AC transformer then positive from battery that feeds panel & ADC cell communicator. Reconnected battery then AC power.

TouchPad beeped some then said set date and time (have not done that yet…hopefully ADC can sync that from back-end?)

Still get behavior: "4-3-2-1 (reset installer code #) nothing no response after entering the digits i.e. prompt is still “ENTER CODE” on top line of TouchPad display…

Send the commands to reset the Installer/Dealer Code one more time …

“fingers crossed”

Well, the commands were acknowledged quickly as before. Can you try accessing programming at this time? Should this not be successful we will work with ADC to determine the issue.

TouchPad beeped some then said set date and time (have not done that yet…hopefully ADC can sync that from back-end?)

Yes, this is synced with ADC.

OK it took the 4321. Seems to be running some kind of test thing system is OK P1 etc.

Hopefully everything is nominal from Dealer ADC portal.

Great, thank you for confirming.

From what we see everything looks fine. I see a manual cell test, presumably using the new installer code.

Panel time should be synced again shortly if not already.

OK the panel still says “P1”. On the second line of the TouchPad display. Do I need to clear that? And how?

Finally, when I go into the programming menu and add the 319.5 wireless sensor I have for water level and environmental temperature. It’s the resolution unit. Is there anything you need to do on the backend or will a ADC just pick it up?

“P1” the Concord 4 TouchPads now display on the second line after the time, i.e. “02:30 PM P1” vs. simply “02:30 PM” before the latest resets/manual cell test. Hmmmmm my meager google-fu skills finds that is “Partiton 1” indicator. I only use one partition, like most residential Control 4 users I’d bet…

I wonder if “P1” can be suppressed somehow with a setting? Did not show with OE installation.

Correct, P1 is referring to partition 1. It looks like all your devices report on partition 1 in and ADC does not recognize another partition currently. I do not see a reason why it would indicate the partition, though on Concord not all programming is visible on the back-end. Do you have another keypad that is assigned to another partition?

Enter System Programming, 8, Installer, 00. What is under the global settings for:

Access code lock (0003)
Ptn security (0004)
Multi ptn arm (0005)

Finally, when I go into the programming menu and add the 319.5 wireless sensor I have for water level and environmental temperature. It’s the resolution unit. Is there anything you need to do on the backend or will a ADC just pick it up?

Nothing is needed on the back-end for this on a Concord. New devices will populate in

“OFF” Access Code Lock (0003)
“ON” Ptn Security (0004)
<nothin’> Multi Ptn Arm (0005)

I’m not sure I was able to add the Z wave device. I was definitely able to get the LTE module into learn mode. As indicated by 4 flash LED L2 but it never turns solid indicating success. LED L5 still is doing a 2-blink.

It is a Nortek ps15z-2 Appliance module

I did try to get it learned earlier in the day. I wonder if it needs clearing before attempting again?

General advice? It is plugged in just below The communicator so distance is not an issue

I’m not sure I was able to add the Z wave device.

For the Z-Wave device you will want to Delete the Z-Wave device before adding the Z-Wave device to the network. A Z-wave device can only be enrolled into one Z-Wave network at a time. This process will ensure that the Z-wave device is not currently enrolled in another network.

In order to enter Delete Mode, from the cellular module manual:

  1. Put the module into Z-Wave Add mode.
    On the module, press and hold down the ZWave
    Mode button to enter Add mode (4-blink pattern on
    the LED L2). Once in Add mode, press and hold down the
    Z-Wave Mode button again until the LED L2 begins
    flashing a 2-blink pattern to indicate Z-Wave Delete mode.
    (See Figure 2 on page 7 for illustration of how to press the

  2. Press buttons on the Z-Wave device to delete.
    Once the module (or controller) is in Z-Wave Delete mode,
    press the appropriate buttons on the Z-Wave device to
    delete it from the network. See Device-specific instructions
    (or the instructions that came with the device) for more

  3. Confirm the Z-Wave device was deleted successfully.

  4. Once the device has been deleted successfully, the panel
    will beep, and the yellow LED L2 on the
    module’s Z-Wave board will become solid and stay solid for 1 minute (allow up to 5 seconds for confirmation once the device has been triggered).