Is panel tamper really a relevant feature inn2024?
Any cases of thieves bypassing sensors, getting into a home, ripping the panel off the wall and disabling it before a dispatch signal is transmitted?
Is panel tamper really a relevant feature inn2024?
Any cases of thieves bypassing sensors, getting into a home, ripping the panel off the wall and disabling it before a dispatch signal is transmitted?
I’d say it’s as relevant as ever. Why would panel tamper be irrelevant?
As you mentioned, it can help protect against crash and smash attacks. It’s not complete protection for those but it helps. crash and smash protection helps in that situation as well.
It’s also useful to protect against someone disabling your system while it’s disarmed and then coming back to attack when it’s armed. Think of a repair worker, house cleaner, or party guest opening the panel while they have access to your house and crippling it somehow. Then they come back when you’re not home.
How would they get to your panel without opening a door or window that would trigger an alarm first?
How would someone sabotage your Alam panel without you noticing it? They would have to know codes to change programming. If they disconnect wifi or ethernet it notifies you along with bypassed sensors . It will alert you to all this as you arm to leave
Finally, tamper alarms and alerts don’t dispatch police. They just notify you on your phone. And the time it would take you to react would be a long time if you react at all ( yourre in a plane, in the beach water on vacation, in a meeting). You would have to get the alert, call the police yourself, you can’t call 911 as you are Ina different city. This means you call the local police number if you can find it. You will be in hold. Burglar will be way gone by then
Again, trying to get real data. How many smash and grab incidents were reported to Surety in 2023?
It’s good to have layers and redundancy when doing security. Theoretically, no one could get past your sensors but what if there is a problem with a sensor or your layout? What about entry sensors that have a delay before the alarm?
In network security you would put additional protections inside the network even though you have a firewall on the outside.
Also, a tamper signal when the system is armed is treated as an alarm and will dispatch the police.
I think your information is incorrect., We had 2 tamper alarms while armed and no dispatch was sent.
Surety can verify my claim
These are the actions that notify but do not dispatch as posted by Surety on another post
This says they do.
I think tampers are a special trouble condition that is treated as an alarm when the system is armed. I could be wrong though.
I dont care about alerts when armed. I care about dispatxh. When armed it will notify and even sound a siren. This is not enough to make it effective if it doesn’t dispatch
Finally, tamper alarms and alerts don’t dispatch police. They just notify you on your phone.
This is only true while the system is disarmed.
When armed, tamper events are treated as an alarm, whether on a sensor or the panel itself.
Standard dispatch rules apply, including disregard per abort, cancel/verify in ADC, etc.
And as other users mentioned, a big part of its importance is to notify you when someone tries to tamper with the system who you allowed inside, contractors, acquaintences, etc.