IQ Panel 4 LED Status Lights after 4.3.0 update

It seems like the issue may be some broken logic with regard to the main brightness slider and maybe adaptive brightness.

I am able to get it to break in reverse too. Enabling the status LED slider and putting that all the way to the right, but dimming the screen with the LCD slider all the way to the left will brighten the LEDs, then upon disarming they dim to match the screen level.

LED’s dimmed

System disarmed

System armed and red LED’s still dimmed

Disarmed and green LED’s are still dimmed.

I increase the LED brightness so you can see that it does get brighter.

Software version

Thank you

For now, It does not appear that there is a workaround. Manual re-adjustments can be made to the LED slider when arming/disarming.

However, it looks like LED Brightness issues are to be addressed in a future FW update, likely 4.5 but i cannot say for certain.

We post firmware patch notes and update instructions here:

FWIW, 4.4.2 didn’t fix this issue.

Thank you for the update. 4.5 is likely going to be a bigger update and may address this issue but I have no new information at this time.

I hope it will be fixed soon. As you recall, this was a new feature awhile back, but broke with the next update. I would think that they could easily fix a problem that they caused themselves.

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FYI, FW update 4.5.0 did NOT fix the LED Brightness issues. I’m wondering if Qolsys has forgotten about it. :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

I havent had a free moment to try and confirm locally or see if there is a work around. If I find something ill post it here, otherwise ill reach out to Qolsys about it.

When setting the LED slider to near 0 (almost all the way to the left) then arming Stay, does the LED go to full brightness, or about halfway?

When you disarm, does the LED stay at that level of brightness, or does it change?

I’ll let you know next week when we are hack home.

Through testing I’m seeing that the issue persists, but instead of reverting to 100% brightness or so, the LED goes to around 50% brightness after arm/disarm.

I brought this up with Qolsys techs and they were able to replicate it and have reached out to the engineering department to get it worked on. Unfortunately, its a bug so the only fix would be through firmware.

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The LEDs turn on to full bright when our system armed and disarmed.

Out of curiosity, where are you setting the LED slider before arming? 0-100%

I’ve tried ~5% and ~50%

Thank you for that information.

FWIW, update 4.5.2 did not fix the LED Brightness issues.

Thanks for that information.

Unfortunately, I do not know when this issue will be addressed, nor do I have any details on upcoming FW release info.