IQ Panel 4 and Fire Verification with PG9936

I’m assuming any heat/smoke that triggers the sensor will immediately notify the central station. Is that correct?

Correct, one trip will trigger the alarm and send a fire alarm signal to the monitoring station

When the central station is notified, will they always do a 2-way and/or local premise phone before dispatching? Are there ever any exceptions where they wouldn’t try to contact me first?.

BURGLARY & RESIDENTIAL FIRE: Call order as shown on your System Manager professional monitoring page . The contact order will be as follows:

  1. Two Way Voice (if enabled)
  2. Premise Number (if provided)
  3. Cell Contact(s)

Police/Fire authorities will be called where indicated in your contact list. This will always be after Two Way Voice and Premise Phone Number (if applicable) but can be at any point before or after cell contacts. Note that in some areas it is required that two contact methods are first attempted. We recommend having at least two numbers called before dispatch.

Monitoring procedures can be found here:

With verification enabled, it sounds like it takes either 2 different devices detecting, or the same device twice before notifying the central station. Is that correct?

Correct. From page 40 of the manual, with Fire Verification enabled, panel requires two fire events from smoke detector (one detector twice or two detectors once each)