Installer code error

The original MAC address is showing as unregistered. Can you post a picture of the error message you are receiving in ADC?

I have unplugged it, reset it, factory reset it and still all it ever gets to is blinking green.

To clarify, to factory reset the VDB770 hold the button down for about 70 seconds until the LED flashes yellow, then let go. Does that ever occur?

Have you tried connecting the VDB770 via AP mode, WPS mode, or both?

Yes, I have both attempted to connect while the light was blinking white and when Ut’s blinking red and green alternately Each time the computer screen looks like I have been successful and tells me it can take up to 3 minutes to connect, but the camera continues to flash green and never go to solid green. So when i try to connect the camera, i get the attached message

Are you connected to the same network as the camera when trying to add it?

What model of router is that camera connected to?

A blinking green LED indicates it is successfully connected to a LAN, but not the internet. This could potentially be a router issue, weak connectivity, etc. Try rebooting that router (leave it powered off for a full minute.)

There are 9 issues listed on my home screen. When I view them the only choice I have is to “Fix” When I do it resets the panel and says it fixed the problem, but the issue still is listed. How can I clear these?

Currently on your system I see three sensor tamper conditions and two sensor offline malfunctions. These are not conditions you can fix remotely.

Sensor tampers on wireless sensors are due to the cover not being affixed properly/the sensor tamper switch not being closed. Remove and reattach the cover securely.

Please read the following thread for what can cause Offline conditions.

Additionally some specific sensors like 2GIG Smoke Detectors may throw offline conditions for specific circumstances unrelated to signaling, such as being beyond expiration date or having a dirty sensing element. This is usually accompanied by LED flashing and beeping from the device.

If the above link does not help resolve the offline issue, what model number are the offline smoke detectors? What is their replace-by date?

I believe all the issues have been resolved. The last one was the tamper switch. I reset it several times but it kept coming back. Finally, I switched 2 sensors and I have not had an issue since then. I think the smokes are back online unless I am mistaken

I added a Z-Wave outlet. I tried several times to turn it on by voice but I get the message "I found multiple matching lights. I renamed it a couple of times but get the same results. Currently, I named it Heavy. What am I doing wrong?

What are you voice feature are you using, Alexa or Google?

Does the device work outside of voice control (via or the panel) and was a Z-Wave Network Rediscovery run for all devices after installation?

I ask Google to talk to That works for all the other devices. Yes, I can turn it on using the app/computer/panel and I ran rediscover and test network.

When you ask google to activate that switch, is it hearing you correctly?

You can check what it heard via the Google Home app. Youll want to check what google hears matches what is in ADC. I just updated the integration guide to include how to check that:

It’s not a Google issue as all I do is ask Google to talk to then asks what I want to do. I tell it to turn on any one of my nodes and it does it, all except this one entry. It is simply called “Heavy” which does not sound anything like any other node. It has no special characters or plurals, it’s dead simple but doesn’t work.

It’s not a Google issue as all I do is ask Google to talk to then asks what I want to do.

So to clarify, when you say “Ok Google, Ask to…” you are not speaking to the app. You are interacting with Google Home. Google Home has access to an ADC device list that you’ve shared with the integration and command API.

Voice control is 100% Google side. Did you check what the Home app heard to make sure there are no mistakes and that it matches?

Yes, I could do that, and I have, however, for the test I say “Hey Google talk to alarm .com” and stop., in a different voice, then comes on and asks what I want. If I tell it to turn on the living room light it does, if I ask it to turn on “heavy” I get that error message. Even if you were right why would it work for one and not for the other?

Even if you were right why would it work for one and not for the other?

It might not work for one, but for the other, because those are two different names, and Google might be mishearing or spelling one differently than you anticipate. If Google’s and ADC’s spelling does not match, you’ll just need to adjust the ADC device name to match what Google is hearing.

Google is not putting on the phone, your Google Home is processing your speech and determining what is said. That is then being matched up to your ADC device list via the integration.

The above steps are recommendations straight from the ADC integration instructions.

They are the most likely cause of what you are seeing. Can you please provide a screenshot or confirmation of what Google hears when you give the command for the one that doesn’t work currently?

I have used extremely simple labels, Living, Fan, Bedroom, etc. Also, there are 2 ways to command Google. One is “Hey Google, ask to turn on bedroom” after which the voice comes on and says “Sure, turning on the bedroom, is there anything else I can do for you?”
Or you can say “Hey Google talk to” after which the voice comes on and says “How can I help you.”
The words do not show up on a screen so there is no screenshot to send.
Is there a way to disconnect from Google and then reconnect?

You can disable the account on Google Home by unlinking the skill. Steps can be found in the above guide.

Yes, but how do I get it to work the way it’s supposed to?

To confirm, when you ask Google to turn on Heavy, and it gives you the error message “found multiple matching lights.” you are unable to confirm what google hears through the google home app as described here?

One is “Hey Google, ask to turn on bedroom” after which the voice comes on and says “Sure, turning on the bedroom, is there anything else I can do for you?”
Or you can say “Hey Google talk to” after which the voice comes on and says “How can I help you.”

Do both of these command types fail with the same error message when asking to turn on heavy?

Yes, but how do I get it to work the way it’s supposed to?

You can try removing the Z-Wave device from panel programming, then re-adding and running a Z-Wave network rediscovery. Afterwards test the Google Home interaction again for resolution.

Over the weekend I removed all devices, reset the panel, and added them in one at a time doing a “rediscover” after each addition. After the last one, I got a positive response to the final rediscover, no faulty nodes.

This time I named that node “Fan” not heavy. The results are the same. If I interface with Google either way and say “turn on the bedroom” the light comes on. If I say “turn on the fan” it says “I found multiple matching lights.”