How to Link Multiple Accounts

If you have more than one account, even if they are through multiple service providers like Surety, you can connect these accounts utilizing the Link a System feature.

This will allow you to utilize one set of login credentials to access all of your separate accounts, making it unnecessary to log out of one account and log back into another using separate credentials.

This is a great feature for users with multiple properties, vacation homes, rental units, etc.

What is Needed to use Multi-System Access

All you need to utilize the feature is more than one active account!

Let’s Get Started!

  1. Start off by logging in to the account you want to be the primary login. The credentials for this account will be used to access all subsequent accounts.

  2. Once logged into what will be the primary account, click on Settings.

  3. Next click on Login Information.

  4. Then on Link a System

  5. On the Link a System Page click on Add.

  6. Then enter login credentials for the account you wish to add and click Next.

  7. Afterwards you will be asked to Confirm the account link.

  8. Now from the Link a System Page you can see all of the accounts that are linked together.

  • Should you wish to add another account, click the Add button again.

  • You can also break the link between accounts by clicking on the Trashcan Icon next to the linked accounts.

  1. After the accounts have been linked, you can select which account you want to control by clicking the drop down menu on the account name in the top left hand corner. (or in the menu of the mobile app).

Now when you log into your primary account, you can select which account you wish to control without the burden of having to log out of one account, then back in to another.

Switching Accounts through the Mobile App

While you can’t set up the link between multiple accounts via the mobile app, you can still swap between accounts quickly via the app once the link has been established.

When using an Apple iPhone you can select which account you want to use through one of two ways.

First by swiping the System Name to switch from one account to the next.

The second can be done by clicking the System Name at the top of the home screen

Then selecting the account you wish to access from the drop down. Simple!

If you are using Android the process would be as follows:

Click the menu icon in the top left of the app

Then click the down arrow next to the System Name.

and select the system you want to switch to and you’re done!

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Unlink an account under one login name

Individual accounts can be unlinked from one another using the website or mobile app.

  • Additionally, if an account is terminated, any additional accounts that were linked to that login will remain linked to that login.
    • Example: If a user has two additional accounts that are only linked to their main account’s login and their main account is terminated, the two additional accounts will still be accessible through the existing login.

To unlink an account using the website:

  1. Log into the website.
  2. In the system description, click the down arrow
  3. Click Manage Linked Systems.
    • If a commercial login is being used:
    1. Click Settings.
    2. Click Login Info.
    3. Click Linked Systems.
  4. Click […] next to the desired system, then click Unlink .
    • Important : The default system cannot be unlinked. The default system must be updated before it can be unlinked.
  5. Click Remove System to confirm the removal. This takes immediate effect in unlinking the accounts to the current login name.

To unlink an account using the mobile app:

  1. Log into the customer app.
  2. Tap Menu
  3. Tap Manage Linked Systems.
  4. Tap […] next to the desired system, then tap Unlink.
    • Important: The default system cannot be unlinked. The default system must be updated before it can be unlinked.
  5. Tap Confirm to confirm the removal. This takes immediate effect in unlinking the accounts to the current login name.

Update the default system

The default system will display when the user accesses their account. The system that shows by default can be updated using the website or mobile app.

  • Note: If the login has linked accounts using multiple dealers, emails about the system (i.e., password reset emails) will be sent using the branding associated with the dealer that manages the default system.

To update the default system using the website:

  1. Log into the website.
  2. In the system description, click the down arrow
  3. Click Manage Linked Systems.
  4. Click […] next to the desired system, the click Set as Default.

To update the default system using the mobile app:

  1. Log into the customer app.
  2. Tap Menu
  3. Tap Manage Linked Systems.
  4. Tap […] next to the desired system, then tap Set as Default.

Note: The default system will display upon login. If the mobile app remains open in the background of the user’s phone, the last system that was being viewed will display.