Glass break detector - heavy curtain

Firmware updates via USB usually only take a few minutes. 5-10 maybe.

The GB1 is a solid choice for glass breaks, but it is not perfect for every scenario because it is not as false trigger resistant and does not have sensitivity levels.

The Honeywell 5853 is a good alternative, with selected sensitivity setting and better false trigger reduction.

Hello, I updated the firmware with same results. Could it be an issue witht the panel itself? It is less than a year old.

Your recommnended test worked as it should.
Could it be an issue with the panel itself? It is less than a year old.

I hesitate to give a definitive no, typically, for questions like this because strange and unexpected interactions do occur, but if the Sensors properly report when the 5150 removed and just touching the wires together and pulling them apart, then this would very unlikely be a panel specific issue. It is always good to keep firmware upgraded just in case, but in this circumstance the issue is being introduced outside of the sensor to panel interaction.

The sensor doesn’t send any other information than “open/close” to the panel. The panel is just listening for that confirmation.

If the sensor sends a signal on the same loop without the 5150 attached, but not with it attached, the problem is overwhelmingly likely to be an issue with the 5150 or the attachment itself.

Now all that said, you’ve given very detailed description of how it is setup and what was tested, and it definitely does not behave as would be expected. If you get a closed/open response, repeatable, by testing with a multimeter on the 5150 that makes it more of a head-scratcher.

Have you tried the zone as a different zone type by chance?

One thing that has been reported on GC3 3.2+ firmware is that in some isolated cases certain motion detectors no longer follow Interior Follower settings appropriately and trigger during entry delay countdowns.

If you have been always using perimeter for the 5150 zone, maybe as a hail mary test try switching one to 23-No Response type and another to entry exit and see if you get any different result. (I doubt this will have an effect since you could get activity from just touching the wires together, but worth a shot).

Also, just to verify as of your latest testing, how are you testing the sensor, by chimes? Can you confirm that chimes are enabled on those zones and that the volume of chimes and announcements is high?

Jason, I did try different zones with basically the same response. It will tamper, but not trip. Far as testing, I was using the installers test or walk thru. Forgot what it’s called. I did turn on chimes during previous testing.

Far as testing, I was using the installers test or walk thru. Forgot what it’s called. I did turn on chimes during previous testing.

Aha, that might actually be an issue here. Have you tried activating the zones normally with chime outside of that test mode, or while the system is armed? Has it always been with walk test on?

We have noticed problems with the Sensor Walk Test on the GC3 on all firmware versions. In general I do not recommend using the walk test, the only benefit it would add is signal strength readings but those are simplistic and not terribly helpful.

The best way to test the sensors is to place your account on test mode with the central station (if you have professional monitoring), arm your panel, and trip them to create an actual alarm scenario. This not only tests the sensor’s communication with the panel, but also sensor programming and expected system reaction.

It looks like this was suggested here, I thought you had confirmed trying to set off an alarm, but the panel walk test issues would certainly explain this behavior succinctly.