Garage door not reporting correctly

Garage door has a linear module.

When opening or closing the garage door, it does not show change in the app

I changed the battery and still the same problem

If I hit the status button on the app again, it will send a command and then change to the correct status. For example, I open the door and it shows closed on the app. Hit the closed icon of the garage door and it “thinks “ for a few seconds, then it changes to the correct open status

Steps to troubleshoot this can be found in the thread below:

I have copied the relevant steps below:

If status is falling:

  • Verify that the included tilt sensor is attached to the garage door.

  • Attempt a re-sync of the tilt sensor with the Linear Z-Wave Garage Controller.

    • Press and hold the link button on the Linear Z-Wave Garage Controller for 7-8 seconds until a short beep is heard.
    • Open/close the garage door opener locally (with remote/wall button) so that the sensor moves. If it re-syncs, you should hear an additional beep.
  • Finally, delete, factory reset, and re-add the Z-wave garage device. Run a network rediscovery after pairing the device.

I certainly can do this, but its a bit of a pain with ladders and unmounting the unit to bring closer to the panel, etc.

Wouldn’t the fact that when I hit the icon on the ADC app, and it eventually reports the correct status indicate that the tilt sensor is “linked”. If it were not, wouldn’t it say it cant report status (I believe it has done this in the past)

The most important step is that last one. If the device is not updating its status via the panel to ADC when opened, that is more likely than not an issue with Z-wave.

Note however that the page will need refreshed if you are actively viewing the garage door status and then opening the door. It will not update in real time.

How long after the test open are you waiting to check that status? Sending a command will manually force a status if the device is responding, so the description makes sense.

I will check on this and the timing of refreshing.

What brought this to light is my other thread where I posted about having Siri and/or Alexa execute scenes by voice.

I got Siri to work and the rule was set up to close all 3 garage doors. It would close all the doors except the door in question and when I would look at the status it would say “closed” even though it it was open. HItting the icon would refresh it to the correct open state.

Does this sound like a z-wave or tilt sensor to main device linkage issue?

I got Siri to work and the rule was set up to close all 3 garage doors. It would close all the doors except the door in question and when I would look at the status it would say “closed” even though it it was open. HItting the icon would refresh it to the correct open state.

If the door is not actually closing from the scene, it sounds like the device is just not responding to some Z-wave network commands or that door is in safety override.

Manipulate the door locally at the wall button a few times, then send a command. Wait for the command to process. The Z-wave door may be affected at a slightly different latency than the MyQ doors, or if Z-wave network connection is an issue, it may not work at all.

Double check that you don’t have anything tripping the safety eye for the door either.

All of those things were done and checked

If the door is opened manually, it will show closed on the app

If I pull down the screen to refresh it, it will change to correct status.

The two MYq doors do not have this issue. It’s only the middle door with the linear device

There is some sort of delay in ADC recognizing the status. I believe the module sends it to ADC OK.

If the door is opened manually, it will show closed on the app. If I pull down the screen to refresh it, it will change to correct status.

This is expected behavior. If you have the app open to the garage page and open the door manually, the app is not going to update that status until a refresh or you go home or to a different page and back. The status of the Z-wave device is refreshed automatically upon navigation.

Thank you and I am finding this true for the myQ and non myQ opneners

The issue becomes this. When I manually open a door and leave it open by mistake, the “sleep” scene is programmed to close all garage doors. It fails becuase if they were manually opened they read as closed.

How can the ADC sleep scene refresh status before executing? If it refreshed they would show as open and then would close under the scene.

This is the reason I am bringing all this up.

Trigger it within the app and the act of visiting the page should refresh status.

typically at home we trigger with Alexa. We typically dont keep our phones by the beds. Is there a way to accomplish this using voice commands?

When I manually open a door and leave it open by mistake, the “sleep” scene is programmed to close all garage doors. It fails becuase if they were manually opened they read as closed.

Reading this again, this actually shouldn’t happen and is not likely the actual cause of what you are seeing. Triggering a scene sends all commands.

A command to close the door is a command to close the door, it is not a toggle and does not rely on current status to be sent by a scene.

Again, for clarity, if the door is not actually closing from the scene, regardless of how it is activated (voice, app, widget), it sounds like the device is just not responding to some Z-wave network commands or that door is in safety override.

So I can best help, can you test this and point out in history a timestamp where the Z-wave door did not close but the others do? Or if the circumstance is different and all 3 doors do not close, a time stamp where that occurred?