Doorbell camera no longer recording clips


I have an ADC-VDB750 and it seems to have stopped recording video clips as of 2 days ago. I have tried cycling the power, deleted / re-added the doorbell entirely in my account, and I deleted / re-added the recording rule as well.

I know the rule is triggering because I get the detection notices on my phone, but no clips.

Any other solutions possible to resolve this?


A further piece of information: I tried requesting a clip from the camera manually about 20 minutes ago and that has not appeared in my saved clips, either.

I can also see that my clip usage is way below the limit, so it’s not due to that either.

Happy to assist

, deleted / re-added the doorbell entirely in my account

When you deleted and re-added, did you factory reset as well?

What color is the LED currently on the doorbell?

Clip usage is good. Camera signal strength is high 70% so that shouldnt be the culprit. Have you power cycled the router? Have you made any changes to the network?

I did not factory reset at the time, no.
I just did that and now everything is working as expected. Thanks!

Hello, reviving this thread.
I fear my doorbell camera has a more serious issue.
Just about a week after my last post, the camera was having troubles again. They seemed to resolve on their own, but it was almost daily. Now, the camera - though it is connected and has above-70% signal strength - is completely unable to load video stream, and is not detecting anything. I’ve done a factory reset again, and even upon successful reconnection, again while it was “connected” the video stream simply will not load anymore.

Is it permanently bad?

I recall a few times in the last week, image was completely garbled, though like the connection issues, this seemed to resolve on its own. So I’m wondering if this indicated a physical failure of the unit?

I double checked the voltage and I’m getting almost exactly 24v per the volt meter.


The camera signal reports indicate that it is failing signal strength tests repeatedly recently.

If you bring that VDB750 close to the router and power it temporarily via the Micro USB port using a micro usb charger, is it able to connect and view video?

I’ll give that a shot today and report back.
Where are you seeing signal strength tests failing repeatedly?
This is what I see:

In dealer tools I am seeing the signal strength report either N/A or a failed response. The normalized strength report you see there is borderline low and bandwidth may be an issue. It is best to first test if a close solid signal improves the behavior.

If it doesn’t that may indicate an issue with the doorbell itself. Is it using an AC transformer? Just to be sure what is the VA rating of the transformer?

Got it, sounds good.

It is using an AC transformer yes. As I said in the original post, the voltage is showing nearly exactly 24v

It is using an AC transformer yes. As I said in the original post, the voltage is showing nearly exactly 24v

Yep, just want to verify the VA requirement (not the voltage). The transformer needs to be minimum 10VA.

If it is not obvious on the transformer, can you post a photo of its label?

So I powered up the doorbell near my router, and yes it does appear the video stream is working now… I wonder why the connection is having issues now (it was working completely fine for over a month).

Regarding the transformer, I actually have no idea where the actual transformer block is in this house. I just measured the voltage at the doorbell terminals using my volt meter, and seeing it was 24vac I went ahead with installing the doorbell. Does measuring with the volt meter not necessarily indicate that it is compatible?

Does measuring with the volt meter not necessarily indicate that it is compatible?

No. Transformer Voltage is part of the electrical spec, but the VA rating is needed. 5VA models are somewhat common when we see odd issues, and that is not sufficient.

It needs a 10VA minimum. To determine this, the transformer would need to be checked.

So I powered up the doorbell near my router, and yes it does appear the video stream is working now

This suggests either the network connection at its location is too weak, or there is a power application issue with the normal doorbell circuit. Double check the transformer first to rule that out

Okay, I have no idea where the transformer is and I may not have much luck finding it easily… but I’ll try

Typically a doorbell transformer is located close to the main electrical panel for the home, usually in a basement or utility room. It is often mounted within inches of the panel.

Doesn’t seem to be the case for me. If it’s not there, any other recs? I don’t want to tear apart walls trying to find this thing…

The other possibility suggested by the Micro USB test is simply wifi connectivity, which would be addressed by improving the wifi reception at the doorbell location

One easier way to try to improve signal is to separate your 2.4Ghz and 5Ghz network SSIDs. The doorbell should use the 2.4Ghz band because 2.4 has a naturally wider range and less impact from attenuation outside.

Currently your doorbell reports using 5Ghz, this can commonly cause problems.

If that change to 2.4Ghz improves the signal strength but does not improve the behavior, it may be power related. In general, it is important to verify the power specs of the transformer when using a doorbell camera. If it does not meet the spec, it will damage the doorbell over time in addition to other issues. 10 VA is pretty common, so it is likely you meet spec, but not all do. Older doorbell transformers especially will commonly be 5VA.

It will usually look something like this, and generally will not be hidden anywhere. You may have a unique case, but I can’t confirm.

I’ve done some troubleshooting and different combinations of things, and at this point I think it’s highly likely that I DO have a less-than-10vac transformer and that I have fried the doorbell unit (to some degree at least).

I tried creating a 2.4ghz network from my router and connecting to that, still no video.
I tried disconnecting the doorbell from the chime terminals and using micro-USB, connecting to both the 2.4ghz and the 5ghz networks, still no video.
I tried putting the unit within feet of the router on both networks (still connected to micro-USB of course), still no video.

My house is old (1923), and though I don’t know when the doorbell transformer was put in last, it probably is likely that it was not recently by any means.

I’m going to have to look through the attic for the transformer at some point, but unfortunately I don’t have a ladder (just moved in, first time in a house vs. apartment) and will need to get that first.

Oy vey. Didn’t think out of this whole system that the doorbell would be the most problematic piece.

Doesn’t necessarily mean the doorbell is fried, it can damage the unit over time, but if it does work normally on the Micro USB port, you may be able to just swap the transformer and all should be fine.

I would typically expect the unit not to work at all or at least show similar behavior on the USB power if it was damaged, so that is a good sign that it may be undamaged.

but if it does work normally on the Micro USB port, you may be able to just swap the transformer and all should be fine.

That’s what I was saying in my post above, though. It does NOT work normally on micro-USB anymore. When I plug it in with that, it still won’t show any video.

Ah, I’m sorry I missed that. That is meant as a temporary option, it won’t work for extended periods. Is the LED solid red?

I think the only option to be sure is to find and confirm the specs on the transformer. Below is an article on Home Depots site with a section describing some common locations. I’ve seen lots of them installed near the electrical panel, only a few in alternate locations, but given the age of the home its hard to say. It may just be in a spot where power lines run somewhere near the area of the bell for ease of wiring.