Disable Monitoring For Troubleshooting?

Installed a system a few months ago w/ a Qolsys IQ Panel 4. I’ve gotten false motion alarms several times and trying to troubleshoot. I’ve tried different things to resolve the issue, but keep getting alarms. I’m going to keep trying different things to pinpoint the cause, but I’m worried one of these times we’re going to miss the calls from the monitoring center and the cops will be dispatched. Is there a way to test when I’m away for a weekend whether an alarm would be triggered w/out actually notifying the monitoring company?


You can put your system in Test Mode through the Surety System Manager linked here. You can find more information on testing your system at this link.

If there is a specific zone that the motion detectors are in, you can place that zone on test mode by calling the Monitoring Center operators directly at 855-348-0367.

Additionally, you can follow the troubleshooting guide linked here for tips on how to reduce false triggers from motion detectors.

Please let me know if you continue to have trouble or have any other questions.

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Ah, great, thank you, Adam! That test mode is just what I needed.
The troubleshooting guide you linked says motion sensors should be in an Interior Follower zone. Mine is in group 17 Away-Instant Motion. Is that the same thing?

Yeah, sensor group 17 on the Qolsys panel is the standard interior zone for motion detectors which only triggers alarms on Away mode, not Stay. It is what motion detectors should use typically.

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