Change Master User Code

I am updating ADC with this information and will reply here with their suggestions for troubleshooting. I believe it may be necessary to fully reconfigure the SEM, as it seems that errors during setup are the most likely cause for the activity we are seeing.

Thanks, let me know what they come back with.

Hi Jason,
Any updates from ADC?

Commands have been sent to rebuild the connection between the panel and at this time. Are you able to attempt a mobile bypass successfully? If so which zone are you attempting? It does not appear that zones 9 or 15 have been bypassed in some time is that correct? I do see Zone 6 being bypassed, does that match up with what you have done recently?

Once other thing to try would be to remove sensor monitoring activity from the zones in ADC via the sensor card. un-check all zones then save. Wait about two minutes and re-check the zones for monitoring and save again. This should resend sensor activity rules. Afterwards test again, any change?

Yes, on Friday we were able to arm the system via mobile app while bypassing zone 6. We will try to test it with bypassing 2 zones in the coming week or two and let you know the results.