Camera question

So I know there is clips involved with ADC what I can’t seem to find a answer to is say I have a SD card installed does that count towards the clips limit or no ? I just wondering if I want to go the SD route or go for getting a SVR

No, cloud clips have nothing to do with SVR or SD card local recording.

So how would I view the clips from the SD

They are not clips. Onboard storage is for 24/7 recording like the SVR. With a supported plan you’ll see the Onboard 24/7 Timeline tab under the video page in Playback is through

Ok I see now

What memory card do I need to get

ADC recommends one of the following officially supported brands:

Micron Industrial Memory cards
SanDisk High Endurance
WD Purple micro SD cards

256gb maximum storage.

I’ll most likely go with the San disk memory card

I know the cameras I’m going with is the New 724 and well the new ADC doorbell I’m just researching the power supply options

And also I will be using the New IQ Panel 4 so I’m very excited

Question about Smart View 24/7, are we able to download footage from the account if needed?
Also before I purchase the sd cards, I have 3 v723 cameras on surety complete I also have the extra camera add on for more clip storage. Would I be able to start using Smart View for those 3 cameras plug n play as is with the services I currently have?

Question about Smart View 24/7, are we able to download footage from the account if needed?

Yes you can export footage

Due to the way lays out the video access, by default the Complete plan supports 2 cameras onboard recording.

However, if you want to use SD card onboard recording for more than 2 we can add that to your plan in place of SVR access.

Yes, the 723 camera is compatible with onboard recording.

Will this cost extra for the extra cameras or no I know once install the 724 cameras I plan on when I find a SVR going back to that so will need to take place once I do or will have to pay for extra SVR service

Currently you can have either of the following with the Complete or Protect plan:

A) SVR + 2 camera onboard storage.
B) All cameras onboard storage.

You can go from one to the other if need be.

ok thanks Jason :grin:

does the adc vdb770 support sd storage with smartview?

I have a VDB770 for awhile now and I don’t believe you can. It is also not listed in the model of cameras that have that ability.

No, not at this time. Compatible devices are listed here, also linked above. This has been requested though, so I’m hopeful for it in the development pipeline.

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Does the onboard recording footage include recording the audio as well?

No. Audio is only recorded in cloud video clips.