Backup and transfer settings

Hi all,

Is there any update as to whether Surety can backup settings from a Go!Control panel and transfer them to a new GC3 panel? I will be switching over and am wondering how much set up from scratch I will need to do.


If you have a GC2 (symbols under the Emergency button instead of the word “emergency”) Sensors and Users I am told can be restored to a GC3. Panel programming Qs cannot as they do not match one for one.

I have the SC1000 purchased through Surety…not sure which one that is (not home to confirm).

SC1000 is an internal designation.

The model number you are looking for is CP21-345, but the easiest way to tell is to look at whether the word “emergency” is on the panel or if there are symbols instead under the emergency button.

Hi Jason, my panel has the symbols under the emergency button. So I should be able to have you transfer the settings to the GC3? Is there anything I need to do before disconnecting and uninstalling the GC2? (I dont have the GC3 yet but should in the next couple weeks.) Thanks!

No panel settings, programming Q’s.

however, sensors and users should be able to transfer.

Let us know prior to disconnecting the existing panel and a back-up can be run

Thank you, Jason. That sounds good.

One other question - my GC2 has the Verizon cell card and the coverage tool shows full coverage for both AT&T and Verizon. Given that, any recommendations for which one to go with on the GC3?


The service Address Coverage Check Tool will provide coverage levels for the different carriers.

If the response is equal, all things considered we see better coverage generally with Verizon.

OK, sounds good…and I haven’t had any problems with Verizon on the GC2…so Verizon it is!

I have just ordered the new panel - when should I have the GC2 backed up? I will do the swap as soon as the new one arrives.

Thank you,

Just ran one now. Before powering up the new panel, contact us to swap your module number on the account and initiate the settings restore.

Thank you very much! I will let you know when the new one is ready to be powered on. Best to do that through the forum here? Or contact you directly?

Have a great weekend!

Either here or to

Hi Jason, I received my gc3 and Verizon module today. I plan to install it this weekend-what is the best way to proceed in activating and transferring data?

Thank you!

We can complete the module swap any time during business hours M-F 9:00AM-5:30PM.

You will need to run a cell test on the GC3 in order to get service connected after we do the swap.

The applicable settings that can be backed up from the GC2 to the GC3 will be completed upon advisement.

It will take around 20 minutes for all of the saved sensors and usernames to populate on the new panel.

Thank you Tyler, I have the panel with me at work. It doesn’t have to be at home to perform the swap, does it?

No, but it needs to be powered on and needs to be connected for a while for all of the commands to go through. Your old panel will stop communicating as soon as the swap occurs.

Hi Tyler, the GC3 is powered up and cell module is installed. Do I need to go through the cell swap procedure on the panel? Please let me know what to do to begin the activation and settings transfer process. Thanks!

We can take care of that for you would you like us to start the swap now?

Yes, please! I have disarmed the old panel, but it is still powered on.

Go ahead and run the cell test on the panel