Automation rules are not working correctly

Automation rules may not be functioning correctly for a few reasons.

If automation rules are not working correctly:

  1. The Z-Wave device related to the rule may be offline or in malfunction indicating that the device is having communication issues with the alarm panel. See the below guide for more information on identifying and resolving this issue:
  1. The rule may not be set up properly. To verify the rule is set up properly:
    A. Log into the Website.
    B. Click Automation.
    C. In Rules, verify that no rules are paused, set up incorrectly, or simply don’t exist.

  2. There may be other, contradictory rules.

    • Example: If there is a rule to turn a light on any time the system is disarmed, and a separate rule to turn the same light off any time the system is disarmed, the rules will contradict each other.
  3. The rule may not have saved properly.

  • If this is the case:
    1. Reboot or send a Hard Reset to the system.
    2. Wait for the system to reboot.
    3. Delete and recreate the rule, then sign out of the website or app and sign back in. This may help re-synchronize the rule and help it work properly.

Z-Wave Network Best Practices

In addition to checking the rule itself, there are other issues that can cause an Automation Rule to fail.

  1. Communication Issues along the Z-Wave Network.
    • Z-Wave networks are mesh networks, meaning that most devices are able to repeat commands to other devices on a Z-Wave network. The best way to improve your Z-wave network functionality is to add repeaters. Keep in mind, Z-Wave devices powered by battery only do not act as repeaters. This includes devices such as Locks and TSTATS not learned in on C-Wire.

More information on setting up a Z-Wave Network successfully can be found hre:

Information on Improving Network Range and Quality can be found here:

  1. Panel firmware is out of date. Firmware is released periodically for a variety of panels. Specific updates may directly address Z-Wave communication and device compatibility.

    • Patch Notes and update instructions for a variety of panels can be found in the product updates section of the support site: