temp sensors

I have two newly installed temp sensors. When checking the website I keep getting the orange trouble triangle that says “your thermostat has stopped receiving temperature sensor updates.” It appears the temp on the sensors is updating, just not communicating with the thermostat. I installed them yesterday afternoon and was working fine until about mid morning today. Thank you.

I’m guessing that means you have 1.13 firmware required. Did you run a network rediscovery after the installation of the temp sensors? This is recommended after adding any z-wave devices.

Firmware 1.13 and ran rediscovery. Even deleted and re-added them back this morning.

Aha, ok. So the RTS can ONLY be included in Z-wave networks through NWI (network wide inclusion), and it does not participate in network rediscoveries. So rediscovering the network will not help this specific device (your others, yes).

Because of these two factors, the RTS is fairly unique in that it actually needs to be learned into the panel with both it and the panel in their permanent resting locations. Your beaming repeating devices that are compatible with NWI will then route the learn signal and the communication route is set once upon learning in the device.

Did you by chance learn in the RTS close to the panel or bring the panel to the RTS? (This is what we recommend for all other Z-wave devices)

I learned them in at their permanent location. I did see that on the instructions.

How far are the RTS devices from the panel, and how far from the nearest repeating Zwave device in between the panel and the RTS?

I was able to confirm with someone working on the RTS for a while that this isn’t a known response.

Panel - approx 30 ft and 15 ft…nearest Zwave repeater…less than 5 ft. As a note, I did just go under advanced config and did a resend settings. That cleared the errors for now. Perhaps that is what it needed? I hope that will do it.

Alright, let us know if the issue persists and I will keep an eye on the ticket to see if sees this reported on any other accounts.

So what happens when the sensors show different temps? Do you have seperate heating/cooling units or something? How would one go about making every room in the house the same temp (or different depending on your prefs)?

They allow setting a target temp based on the average value of selected sensors.

Well, still getting the message “your thermostat has stopped receiving temperature sensor updates.” Suggestions? Thank you again.

It looks like this message is no longer showing on the account. Can you confirm when this ended?

I’m sorry but I just can’t get the sensors to work. I have deleted and re-added the thermostat and sensors to the system. It seems when the schedule is in place, they will not stay connected. By connected I mean, I get the orange triangle that says they are not sending temp updates to the thermostat. Thanks the the help.

Anytime ADC has a new product, its is months before they work all the kinks out (still working kinks out for T2000). I would be willing to bet they will require a firmware update to the T2000 for the temp sensors… and until that happens…

I’ve been using 2 remote temp sensors with my ADC-T2000 since the beginning of the beta test period for these devices. I haven’t yet seen the problem you are describing. So while there is obviously an issue, it’s not not something that’s happening for everyone.

The one issue I have seen is that the 2GIG 1.13 firmware doesn’t handle them correctly and reports that they are in malfunction when they aren’t. In order to get an estimated 3 year battery life out of the remote temp sensors they only do 2-way communication in a very narrow time window once every few hours. In between those windows they only transmit, they don’t receive. The 2GIG 1.13 firmware interprets this as a malfunction and constantly shows my remote temp sensors in malfunction but they are still reporting temperatures to the thermostat and is still able to use them. This is planned to be fixed in the 2GIG 1.14 firmware.

We’ll keep helping troubleshoot your issue and hopefully we’ll find a solution soon. The good news is that if the solution for your specific problem requires a firmware update in the ADC-T2000 or the ADC-S2000-T-RA I’m told those devices support firmware updates over Z-Wave so it should be doable.

The next time you see that alert in, can you press the buttons on the side of the Temp sensors? Does this remove the malfunction within a couple minutes?

I signed on to Still showing the same orange triangles. I pressed each temp sensor button. The white light came on solid on both sensors. I waited a few minutes and signed on to again. Same thing orange triangles.

Thank you for the update. We will send this info to Has it always been both of the devices that show this error at the same time? Or has only one shown the error at certain times?

Hi. It’s always been both sensors showing the error at the same time. has notified me that they have looked into your account and believe they have resolved the issue regarding the errors you have reported. Are these errors no longer showing up?