(Tyler G)
Check to make sure that the new location in the system meets the installation guidlines:
Additionally, when testing, are you following the steps here:
To test the Smart Water Valve+Meter:
- Fully open a tap or faucet downstream of the Smart Water Valve+Meter.
- Press the Close button and wait for the Valve Closed LED to turn solid.
- Check that the valve has closed by verifying that no water is flowing from the fixture opened in step 1.
- Verify that the Flow LED is not illuminated, indicating water has stopped flowing.
- Press the Open button and wait for the Valve Open LED to turn solid.
- Check that the valve has opened by verifying that water is flowing from the fixture opened in step 1.
- Verify that the Flow LED is illuminated when water is flowing.
- Close the tap or faucet opened in step 1.
- Verify that the Flow LED is not illuminated, indicating water has stopped flowing.strong text
Is the Flow LED blinking?