ADC-SWM150 stopped detecting leaks/water flow after a whole house water filtration was installed

Need your plumbing expertise with the Smart Water Valve.

My ADC-SWM150 sensor has been installed in my house for 2 years now and was working flawlessly. Leak detection or drip from a running faucet was always detected. Last month, I have a company install whole house water filter/softener and they ran the piping after the ADC valve.

This morning, I noticed my kid’s bathroom faucet had some continuous water drip. This happens more than often where she doesn’t shut it off completely. Normally, the smart valve would have automatically shut off my water. I ran a test and the water detector failed.

See diagram below for reference. To fix, should the red line go before the water detector and bring back the purple line but connect it to the yellow line?

Check to make sure that the new location in the system meets the installation guidlines:

Additionally, when testing, are you following the steps here:

To test the Smart Water Valve+Meter:

  1. Fully open a tap or faucet downstream of the Smart Water Valve+Meter.
  2. Press the Close button and wait for the Valve Closed LED to turn solid.
  3. Check that the valve has closed by verifying that no water is flowing from the fixture opened in step 1.
  4. Verify that the Flow LED is not illuminated, indicating water has stopped flowing.
  5. Press the Open button and wait for the Valve Open LED to turn solid.
  6. Check that the valve has opened by verifying that water is flowing from the fixture opened in step 1.
  7. Verify that the Flow LED is illuminated when water is flowing.
  8. Close the tap or faucet opened in step 1.
  9. Verify that the Flow LED is not illuminated, indicating water has stopped flowing.strong text

Is the Flow LED blinking?