I just purchase ADC-SWM150 and going to get it installed in a next few weeks. From what I read is that you guys can adjust for sprinklers and pool fill so it does not triggers leak warnings. I also understand that this is done on the dealer side. Have you guys ever done this?
The SWM-150 displays most of its details and settings only on the dealer end and is not terribly conducive to DIYers, but yes if you get one installed you can request that the thresholds for detection are adjusted based on your needs. Simply provide the settings you require in a PM.
The threshold ranges are described in this post:
Note that the SWM-150 requires the special water management plus add-on which can be added on request. Send a PM if you need to add that to your plan.
yes! and there also a set irrigation defaults that the dealer has. This will increase thresholds with one press of a button (on the dealer side). You may wish so also customize it like Jason said.
@xeon I already have irrigation setup through alarm.com. what you mean by set irrigation defaults ?
They are referencing something on the dealer end, it is just a toggle which adjusts various parameters to account for irrigation systems to avoid unnecessary flow alerts.
If you find you need further customization based on specific site needs, send a PM with desired changes.
BTW if you have both Rachio and the SWM150 on your account, there is a bit more advanced data management which occurs automatically to account for irrigation flow. There is no need to manually adjust anything in that case, usually.
@jwcsurety Can you toggle whatever need to be toggle so my irrigation does not shut down the water when irrigation is in use.
Would this also affect how other leaks are detected in the house?
It will account for the expected Irrigation flow and ignore that type of flow.
BTW if you have both Rachio and the SWM150 on your account, there is a bit more advanced data management which occurs automatically to account for irrigation flow. There is no need to manually adjust anything in that case, usually.
Jason I have Rachio on my account and it looks like we still had to adjust on the account since alarms were always getting set off when my irrigation was used. How come ? Was that something set up incorrectly on my account ?
Per private message correspondence, you have an extremely large flow demand for irrigation, about 75% higher than the average peak. The defaults set by the irrigation presets are chosen by ADC to compensate for the average flow demand of a residential sprinkler. Additional adjustment of course might be needed if you use a lot more water.
Jason Thank you for replay. I understand, I figure they will come up with something that will enable them to see when rachio is activating irrigation and it will bypass alert.
They do have some additional calculations when Rachio is linked, but I can’t speak to whether they are still using expected average volumes and comparing based on how many zones are running. I don’t think they would just ignore flow rates entirely while irrigation is running as it may point to problems in the irrigation system if flow is higher than you expect. Baselines are still needed afaik.
Thank you! love the valve but too much restriction for my house or any house with larger irrigation plan and pool with autofill.
I measure inside chamber of the actual water passage and its only 3/4 not even 1". Did some testing and if you put this in 1.25" plumbing it will reduce your flow by 8gpm. That is quite large reduction that alarm.com is not disclosing. Other then that configuration is great and design is nice. Too bad. can you tell them to get true 1.25 to 1.50" valve release
Thank you.