About Programming keyfob on GC2E

About 2gig or iq keyfob hey guys i can get this option programedd for the toggle output can you all enable the what left that needs done so that that i can turn the light on from keyfob like we could on the gc2 i have the keyfob programmed just need the rest done because i cant seem to get it thanks so much charlie

Hi Charlie,

Sure, I changed 51 ***** Inside Keyfob output mode from disabled to toggle. Do you have a jumper between the output terminal and the wired input terminal? And the normal state of that sensor set to open?

Yes I do for some reason it wouldn’t let me change the setting myself also can make sure I programmed that key fobs to disable panic button

So is the light control working now? Yes, it looks like panic/emergency mode is disabled for the keyfob.

I’ll have to contact my grandmother to see once I do a couple things on my side on alarm.com