Zwave Device setup & System Testing

So I have recently installed the 2GIG GC3 and I have the following sensors:

Using Take-Over-Module
-Front Door
-Garage Door
-Patio Door
-Window Area 1
-Window Area 2
-Glass Breakage

-Firefighter ( that monitors all old smoke detectors in the home)

I also am using the Smartthings V2 Hub as a primary controller for Zwave devices

Devices that I have are as follows:
Ultratec Zwave siren - Already associated with the panel (Group 6 I believe)
Schlage Deadbolt
Various Light switches
couple of open/close multiple purpose sensors

So far I can see some of the light switches from the GC3 Panel and can turn on/off from the panel, however I cannot see them using the APP on the smartphone.

???How do I get these devices visible from the ALARM.COM app?

I understand that the subscription (Platinum) that I have allows for control of all Zwave devices and I can only monitor activity of 10 of these devices. Please confirm.

I have also purchased the Skybell HD and when I receive it I will upgrade the subscription to the 1-4 Cameras options.

So How should I go about doing a full system test?

This Morning, I finally got the firefighter to trigger the panel fire alarm and I thought that I had canceled the alarm on the panel, however about a 1 minute later the zwave siren start going off and then I got a call from you guys with the alert. Was the delay in setting the Zwave Siren normal or just cause it was the first attempt in setting it off. (BTW the siren is the only zwave device that I have directly connected to the GC3 panel and not thru the ST hub first)

So How do I cancel a false alarm and/or a system test event, so that I do not bother the monitoring service folks?


This Morning, I finally got the firefighter to trigger the panel fire alarm and I thought that I had canceled the alarm on the panel, however about a 1 minute later the zwave siren start going off and then I got a call from you guys with the alert. Was the delay in setting the Zwave Siren normal or just cause it was the first attempt in setting it off. (BTW the siren is the only zwave device that I have directly connected to the GC3 panel and not thru the ST hub first)

In the event of fire alarms, dispatch will occur prior to any cell contacts. If your jurisdiction allows cancelling fire dispatch and it is reported as a false alarm by a contact after dispatch, our operators will cancel dispatch if possible. Here is a list of default procedures for our Central Station response.

There is no dialer delay to fire alarms, so if your panel announces a fire alarm triggered, a signal has been sent. Cancelling at the panel does not stop this.

So How do I cancel a false alarm and/or a system test event, so that I do not bother the monitoring service folks?

Located in your Welcome to suretyDIY email are instructions regarding test mode and contacting the central station. (account number and phone number can be found there)

You can contact the central station at any time and request your system to be placed on test mode for up to 72 hours. During this time you can set off alarms without dispatch occurring or phone contacts dialed. (2-Way voice will still dial if used)

Have your account number (from your email) handy to expedite the test mode request.

Once done you can check which signals were received by our operators by calling the central station and take your system off test mode when ready.

I understand that the subscription (Platinum) that I have allows for control of all Zwave devices and I can only monitor activity of 10 of these devices. Please confirm.

Gold Interactive is required for Automation using Z-wave. (there is no platinum…)

10 Sensor Activity monitoring sensors does not refer to Z-wave at all. See here for a description of Activity monitoring vs Security monitoring. Activity monitoring refers to real time alerts to the change of status of a sensor when the system is disarmed.

So far I can see some of the light switches from the GC3 Panel and can turn on/off from the panel, however I cannot see them using the APP on the smartphone.

???How do I get these devices visible from the ALARM.COM app

Please note that Primary/Secondary panel applications and using an additional Z-wave controller is not supported by in general.

It is a benefit of Z-wave’s universal command language that you can add the panel as secondary, and generally 2GIG has made it possible and easy to do so, but there have been issues noted still with the GC3 regarding this, so you may see varying levels of success with different third party primary controllers.

I’ve requested an updated equipment list and it looks like a Light and a Lock were found. Are there any other devices still unaccounted for?

couple of open/close multiple purpose sensors

These will not be compatible with the panel. Z-wave sensors are generally not compatible with any alarm panel due to historical lack of certifications.

Only those devices compatible with the GC3 would be visible on

How many lights are not showing on and what are the model numbers of the switches?

Once done you can check which signals were received by our operators by calling the central station and take your system off test mode when ready.

Walk Thru Test - I printed page 92 of the manual to perform the walk-thru test. I called central station to put me on temp test mode. (I may have started the walk-thru on the panel before calling CS) Performed a walk thru test… got each zone to trigger and then called CS back to let them know I completed the test, however they stated that they did not receive any sensor activity.

Please advise.

A walk test will not send any signals to Central Station, the Walk Test is only for local sensor testing.

Placing the account on Test with the central station allows you to literally set off alarm scenarios to verify that the central station has received these alarm signals. You can arm your system, set off a sensor, and then call to verify.

Standard sensor activity does not generate any signals to Central Station either (like D/W contacts opening when the system is not armed).

I’ve requested an updated equipment list and it looks like a Light and a Lock were found. Are there any other devices still unaccounted for?

I have the following devices that have not yet been syncd to the GC3 Panel:
Fence Lights(Node 2)
Backyard Lamp Post(Node 10)
Rear LED Flood (Node 13)
Garage 1 Switch (Node 06)
Garage 2 Switch (Node 09)
These two garage switches are attached to a rely that simulates pushing the inside garage door button. I have a smartapp that monitors this switch and turns it off after 3 seconds. I also have open/close sensors to let me know if the garage door is open or closed. You already mentioned that the GC3 Panel will not see these open/close sensors as they are not 2Gig branded. This is not a major problem… I currently only use them to make sure the door is in the closed position.

There are other sensors/switches that are configured in the primary hub, but they are not currently active(not plugged in) I do not see any reason to get them added to the GC3 Panel at this time.

I also have purchased a few more switches that I will installing in the near future…
Additionally I have 2 more lock/switches that are backorder that I plan on installing when I receive them.
What is the normal protocol for getting them synced to the GC3 Panel? Do I have to request that from you guys each time I add a device?

So when testing the system I should:

-Call CS to put system on Temp Test Mode
-Arm the system

-Test Sensors

Do I need to cancel/reset panel after each sensor tested
Should I set off all sensors in one test?

-Call CS to get system off Temp Test Mode and verify all sensors triggered.

In the case of the GC2, new Node IDs added to a primary controller will be automatically shared, ADC will then get an update when the panel resyncs status. The status sync is not always immediate, so you might see hours before a new Z-wave device is on, or it could be very quick. Often a cell phone test from the panel can force this through.

In the case of the GC3, as previously mentioned, it is not a fully supported feature, and we’ve heard a number of issues regarding using the GC3 as a secondary panel, so it is extremely difficult to state an expectation as all primary controllers are different.

It looks like one more device is showing up, but no more are discovered when requesting equipment list on our end.

One thing that might happen is incomplete data sharing occurring between the two controllers.

This thread goes over the steps to include a GC2 as a secondary controller, the steps for GC3 are identical other than menu navigation.

I would recommend removing the GC3 from the primary controller and defaulting the Z-wave network of the GC3: System Settings - Installer Code - Smart Home Settings - Advanced - Reset Controller.

Make sure to learn All Z-wave devices you plan to use into the primary controller first, not the GC3, and then learn the GC3 as a secondary controller: System Settings - Installer Code - Smart Home Settings - Advanced - Learn Controller (while the primary is searching to add device)

This process needs to take place with the GC3 and primary controller within just a few feet of one another, and they should remain in that close proximity until all device data is shared. It is best to not move the panel for 5-10 minutes to be safe.

Do I need to cancel/reset panel after each sensor tested OR Should I set off all sensors in one test?

Either is fine. Additional sensors that register as triggered on the control panel while an alarm is active will also be forwarded.

Ok Just Called CS and asked to be put on Temp Test Mode

Performed 3 tests:

First Test
-Armed System
-Triggered sensor #6 Glass breakage
-Triggered sensor #4 Upstairs Window Group 1
-Triggered sensor #5 Upstairs Window Group 2
-Triggered sensor #7 Front Door
-Triggered sensor #1 Garage Door
-Triggered sensor #2 Patio Door

-Cleared Alarm at the Panel

Second Test
-Armed System
-Triggered Sensor #8 Firefighter detecting wired smoke

-Cleared Alarm at the Panel

Third Test
-Armed System
-Triggered Sensor #3 Downstairs Window Group

-Cleared Alarm using iPhone

After each of these test I had to manually turn off the ZWave siren. Is there something else I must configure so this Siren shuts off when clearing the Alarm?

After each of these test I had to manually turn off the ZWave siren. Is there something else I must configure so this Siren shuts off when clearing the Alarm?

Check device associations.

In the GC3 panel, select System Settings - Installer Code - Smart Home Settings - Device Association - Manage under the GC3 Panel Section - Scroll down to “Alarm” section and add the siren.

If it does not automatically shut off, you might try adding the siren under the “Disarmed (off)” section as well.

I added the siren to the Disarmed(off) group as well and it functions as follows:

Test One:
-Arm System
-Trigger a sensor
Siren turns on ( both panel and Zwave Siren)
-Clear Alarm from panel
Siren turns off ( both panel and Zwave Siren)

Test Two:
-Arm System
-Trigger a sensor
Siren turns on ( both panel and Zwave Siren)
-Clear Alarm using app on iPhone
Siren turns off ( only panel siren)
Zwave Siren continues to sound

Any ideas?

What is the model number of the siren?

Can you confirm you do have it assigned under the “Alarm” device association as well?

I’ll notify 2GIG and see if others have reported this.

The model number of the siren is #TSE07-1 made by UTILITECH

I have verified that I have it associated with both the Group 5 Disarmed (Off) & Group 6 Alarm

Does the skybox HD have to be purchased from you guys in order for it to be added to system?

Sounds like the siren issue may be an oversight in the GC3 software. We’ll do some testing and try to recreate.

The Skybell HD does not need to be purchased from suretyDIY (we do not require any equipment be purchased through us to use with our service) however, the Skybell HD must be an branded version to be able to receive full support from, versions would not be supported.

Man I wish that was stated before I purchased the one I got from skybox directly… Is there anything I can do to update firmware to support system?

No. There is currently no way to get the ADC firmware onto the Skybell HD.