Zettler Carbon Monoxide broken

Our 11 year old Zettler carbon monoxide detector is no longer working. It was beeping all the time. I disassembled it from the wall to stop the beeps.

How on earth or with what son replace it with?

Thank you.

Assuming there hasnt been an alarm, the detector has likely gone into end of life mode. You should be able to verify by the manufacture daye and end of life date on the detector. CO sensors have a life expectancy of 7-10 years. Zettler is just the manufacturer of the relays. This detector looks like an ESL model, but they went out of business when Interlogix shut down.

I would replace with a System Sensor CO detector and wire in the trouble relay so the zone goes into trouble when the new sensor expires. The existing detector did bot get the trouble relay at the top wired in so the detector would go into trouble at EOL.

Call me a girl who doesn’t install much. Ha! Yes it’s a Carbon Monoxide detector only. What’s the brand again and the specific instructions?

Thank you so much.

Can I replace with this?


Yes. Just make sure you get one with a fresh build date. The photo in the link shows a manufacture date of 2018.

The date code on the old unit shows it was built in 2014, so at ten years old end of life makes sense.

This is how I wire the System Sensor CO detector. Notice I have the end of line resistor at the detector where yours may be installed at the panel or the panel could be programmed to user NC zones without an EOLR.

The EOL really should be at the detector for best supervision of the circuit

I have the trouble contacts wired in series with the alarm contact so the zone will go into trouble at end of life.

If you want to keep things exactly the same and want to replace just as the old one was wired without moving the end of line resistor, you could wire the new unit as follows:

Red to +
Black to -
Green to C
White to NC

Make sure to put the account on test while wiring it up and after wired test the alarm by holding the test button on the front of the detector and check the account history to very a CO alarm is reported to ADC and AvantGuard.

It’s just an Amazon image. However is that an ok unit to replace it with. I will make sure it has a good build date. Ours that uninstalled was old.

Yes, these are the units I have installed in my own home, System Sensor is a good brand and the unit your referenced will work fine.

Last question should I hire an electrician?

Thats your call. You would likely pay $150 to $200 to have an alarm installer replace.

If you’re comfortable working with low voltage wires, I would say go for it. You are already half way done by taking down the old detector. Just make sure to test when done and ensure that the signal comes through correctly as a Carbon Monoxide Alarm and not a trouble.