Wired motion detector brands?

I’ll be using a Concord 4 panel with wired motion detectors. I’m wondering if I can choose from any brand of motion detector, or if I should stick to Interlogix. I’m looking to use motion detectors that are the least likely to cause false alarms. Honeywell’s DT8035 Dual-Tec Motion Detector has me intrigued, and I would love any advice on what motion detectors would be best for me.

If you are going to be using Wired motion detectors, wired sensors don’t really have compatibility concerns, they are all just informing the panel their state via circuit resistance.

Most motion detector false alarms are caused by pets.

Do you have pets? Cats? Dogs?

How big if dogs?

Overall, the DT8035 or 8050 would be a solid choice with regard to pet immunity and false alarm prevention.

Thank you Jason,
No pets, though spiders and lizards are a possibility.
If we should get a false alarm, it is a hour drive round-trip for friends to check on things, along of course with the cops getting less and less interested in anything that happens at our house. I know enough not to point them toward a window or anything that could blow around, and I’m thinking to use those ball & socket mounts to set them off the wall so that they are less likely to be on the critter highway. I have the same concerns with choosing smoke detectors.

I know enough not to point them toward a window or anything that could blow around, and I’m thinking to use those ball & socket mounts to set them off the wall so that they are less likely to be on the critter highway

If you do not have pets or activity at the location, any wired motion detector installed per manufacturer instructions should work, but a model like the DT8035 does have some additional claims to support it, including not being impacted by insects, per documentation.

The most important thing is to be sure to follow the manufacturer’s installation instructions and for a wired sensor, use the correct resistance for your panel and ensure the wire connections are secure.