VZ install - Alarm.com login?

I just finished the VZ communicator install. Module was very easy, antenna, not so much since my panel seemed to be slightly different than others in the videos. All tested and communicating.

Account has been set up with SuretyDIY, all confirmed there.

Moving on to Alarm.com app, it appears they are to assign a log on via the panel. That has not occurred. How long should that take? Should I be doing something different?

When you say all confirmed with suretyDIY, does that mean that you ordered service, that order has been processed and you received your welcome email? If so, the instructions for logging on are included in the welcome email along with next steps.

If you submitted your order since close of business on Friday, your order will be processed when data entry is back in on Monday morning, and your welcome email will be sent once complete.

Module was very easy, antenna, not so much since my panel seemed to be slightly different than others in the videos.

If you have the antenna that came with the 3G module, then antenna for cell module needs to be in the wall

“A” antenna connector on cellular module:

Thanks for the responses!

Amanda - I received a Thank you for your order, so NO, I have not received the “Welcome email”. Sounds like I need to wait until Monday. There was a heading that stated" some of our products and services require additional information", and a link was provided directing back to service order. I saw no fields that required additional information however.

Riven- This is the Verizon module, which is 3G. The videos I watched concerning antenna install, did show an option of in wall, or to place in compartment on side of unit. My issue was the compartment had a plastic clip that was too narrow to accommodate the antenna, nor was there a hole for the connector to pass through as shown in the video. The panel in the video also showed the compartment to be the full length of the side, where as mine is perhaps slightly more than half. With a little modification, I was able to mount it in the side, just not a drop in as shown in the video. Signal level is 16/30. My panel sits on a desk top, so wall drop down for antenna is not real feasible.

Again, thanks to both of you for your help!

Sounds like you have an older GC panel and not the newer GC2 panel.

The antenna that came with the 3G module is not meant for inside panel install (side compartment). That is a different sized 2G antenna. The one that came with the module needs to dangle out the back plate opening (or you need to punch out the oval “antenna” plate).

Installing it inside panel will degrade signal strength and may potentially damage panel as the MB is very sensitive, and the antenna is not meant to be coiled up on it.

Panel revisions:

You are correct, Z-Wave is 2.78. I also do not have a barrel connector option for external power, only terminal strip. I am not sure I understand the “Requires POTS” for the other later ones. Does this mean that even if only cellular is used, they still required a POTS module? Will this be true of GC3?

I removed the ANT3X from the side, and just dangled it behind the desktop. I removed the oval prepunch for connector access. With that change signal level is now 17-18 for a modest improvement. What is minimum required level?

I really wish I could have waited for the GC3, since I know it is a different comm module, and has built in bridge. Needed something in the short term however. This gives me a chance to not be a BETA for GC3, if their are launch issues.

Again, thanks for your help!

I am not sure I understand the “Requires POTS” for the other later ones

it means if you want to use telephone central station monitoring (POTS) you have to get the POTS module separately (like the cell module is separate)

now 17-18 for a modest improvement. What is minimum required level?

I would say 12/31 is ‘minimum’. It is the equivalent of 2 of 5 bars on a cell phone. Anything below 15/31 is hit and miss and could result in signaling issues. I shoot for around 20/31 myself or better.

Also, with the Verizon module, make sure it doesn’t constantly go into roaming mode. This could be problematic.

Personally I won’t use a Verizon CDMA module, as Verizon has already stated it is actively cannibalizing (refarming) the PCS network (3G CDMA) and reassigning the spectrum to 4G XLTE, VoLTE, LTE, and the 5G (20 Gbps) 2020 nationwide roll out, severely congesting and degrading what is left of the nationwide PCS network. (Imagine the PCS network being a nationwide 55 mph 4 lane Hwy, reduced pretty much everywhere to a bottle neck, 5 mph crawling single lane, where the other lanes are being expanded to a no speed Limit massive 12 lane super Hwy that you can’t use).