Video analytics ADC V723 "trip wire"


I recently bought a V723 camera and installed it. I calibrated it according to the instructions on the app and then went to set up two recording rules. The first was successful where I set up a boundary in which a trigger (person, animal etc)must remain in the boundary for .5 sec in order to trigger a recording. The second rule I was trying to create was a “trip wire” on the sidewalk leading to my front door. I cannot get it to work. I have tried it one direction and both directions. I have turned the rule off and back on and also deleted and re added the rule. For some reason it will not trigger a recording. Any ideas?


That is interesting. The rule does appear to be created correctly.

First thing to try, is to turn off the the Ground Zone rule. And then test the rule with the Trip Wire, any change?

If the rule still doesn’t work, then try moving the tripwire itself within the boundary box to a new location that still makes sense for capturing what you want to record. After saving the rule, wait about 5 minutes then test again, any change?

Will try when I get home this afternoon and report back. Thx.

OK… I tried your first suggestion and turned off the ground zone rule but the trip wire rule still did not function. How do I do the second suggestion you have provided. I cannot figure out a way to add a trip wire to a boundary box…its an either or suggestion or am I missing something?

To clarify, try moving the tripwire itself within the window in the trip wire rule to a new location within frame that still makes sense for capturing what you want to record.

After saving the rule, wait about 5 minutes then test again.

If that fails:

  • Delete the rule,
  • power cycle the camera,
  • recreate the trip wire rule, wait five minutes
  • then test.

Ah. Gotcha. Will try and report. Thx.

I tried both your solutions, but unfortunately it did not work. In Addition, I removed the device from my account, did a factory reset, reinstall the camera and created the same rule, but it’s still did not work.

I did notice however, that the tripwire did catch me crossing it at certain points on the trip wire which made me believe that the actual location of the trip wire might be the issue like u have mentioned earlier.

To give you an idea of my set up, I have the camera outside of a second story window that overlooks my front yard and the sidewalk that approaches the front door. Because of the extreme field of view with this camera, I can actually point the camera in such a way that it actually does not really look like it would capture where portions of the tripwire are located. The portions of the trip wire that are not being activated when I cross it are in the very lower portions of the screen when I set up the trip wire. Where the tripwire is further from the lower portion of the screen and out further in the field of view of the camera, the trip wire does get activated. I thought if the trip wire is anywhere in that field of view on the screen when I create the trip wire, that the trip wire would actually get activated but it appears that the camera is not catching that portion of the camera. Maybe that is because the camera is actually tilted furthest away from that point??? To troubleshoot even further I created a ground zone in that same lower portion of the cameras view to see if I had the same problem and indeed I could not activate the ground zone in that lower portion either. I hope this makes sense.

What do u think?


Thank you for that information. I have reached out to ADC reps to determine if there are any issues regarding placing the trip wire or ground zone at the bottom portion of what the camera sees.

How is the camera mounted, is it relatively level and looking down towards the target area?

Only draw the rule where the feet or wheels of an object should cross.

  • Do not increase the size of the loiter zone or tripwire to cover the whole of the target.
  • Do not include furniture, walls, trees, or other structures in the rule/selection.

After creating the tripwire rule and testing for a few days, if you aren’t seeing the trip wire rule detect motion, try decreasing the minimum object size to detect smaller targets using the Minimum Object Detection Size slider:

Also , try to avoid intersecting tripwires or overlapping ground zones with objects that are prone to movement, such as trees, bushes, or other objects that move in the wind.

Here is my set up. The camera is definitely pointing downward as you can see in the picture.

Also, on the 723 camera, I don’t see an option to control the object control size like on my other camera.

According to ADC, there are no known issues regarding the placement of the tripwire or ground zone in relation to the field of view.

I can’t tell for certain (as we cant see any actual footage, just time of recording and which camera was triggered but I do see a bunch of recordings coming from that camera.

They are listed as “Other” and based on the rule created, are not being sent as notifications. VA recordings are listed as Person, Vehicle, Animal, and Other based on how the software identifies the motion.

You can view these in saved video clips by clicking on the filter button and then on the right hand side of the screen choose the other check box.

Additionally, you edit the rule to have other recordings sent as a notification as well. This will help to test.

Also, on the 723 camera, I don’t see an option to control the object control size like on my other camera.

Apologies, the 723 does not have that slider currently, just the other VA enabled cameras.

Thanks for the info. I did filter “other” as u suggested and saw several recordings categorized as other but they were of a ground zone further out in my yard near a sidewalk of people walking dogs or strollers, not any camera triggered events near my front door in the problem area. Not sure what is going on here but I have trouble shot everything I can think of but the camera does not like that corner by the sidewalk. I am going to shift the camera towards the sidewalk a bit and see if that works and I will report back.


Thanks for the info. I did filter “other” as u suggested and saw several recordings categorized as other but they were of a ground zone further out in my yard near a sidewalk

Ok, I wasn’t sure (cant tell what is being recorded on our end, or the rule that it is from, just which camera)

Moving the camera may help, although the trip wire as it stands should record motion. You said it records on when part of the trip wire is crossed? Which part/

My next suggestion would be to move the trip wire up a bit in the window, or split the trip wire into two, one for sidewalk, one for the bushes, using 2 rules.

The tripwire was recording when you were further away from the sidewalk out towards the grass almost as if the camera did not like the tripwire the closer it was to the bottom of the screen. I moved The camera angle slightly and I did as you suggested and created multiple trip wires and it seems to be functioning as desired. Thx A lot for your patience and help!