VFB-106x Door Camera Lost Power


I recently discovered that my VDB-106x doorbell camera has recently lost power.

The troubleshooting I’ve done so far was removed doorbell camera to see if the battery will take over and supply some power.

No power.

The next step I took was plugging in a micro usb to see if it would power up. Which it does…

What are thoughts of the next following steps I should take. Should I test my transformer. Am I looking at a Doorbell Camera replacement if the power isn’t powering the unit?


What are the power specs of the transformer? That would be the first thing to check.

The devices requires between a 16–24 VAC, 10VA transformer.

If your transformer does not meet those specs it would need replaced. If it does, I would test the power from it to verify if it is providing voltage outside of what’s expected.

I will take a look at the transformer this weekend as I am out of town.

All I know is that this Doorbell Cam was working. Does the battery provide temporary power if the Camera loses power?