VDB770 questions

when the doorbell is pressed, the panel should switch to incoming call mode, allow you to press accept and then get the video and audio, no?

You can answer calls placed from the doorbell on the panel.

In the bottom portion of the guide on setting up streaming to the panel, is a section on using a video doorbell to answer calls from the panel. It initially referred to the SkyBell but I have updated it to include the vdb770 as the steps on setting it up are identical.

Also on my phone, is there a way to distinguish the doorbell push notification from all the other push notifications (open/close door sensors, etc)? It should be more like an incoming call where I get buzzed more than once in a row.

The push notification will display information, but they will all have the same design etc. I am happy to pass this suggestion on to Alarm.com however.