Using Service with suretYDIY and Howeywell Vista 20p

Hello …

I have a Honeywell Vista 20p system with about 26 zones and 4G GSM and am currently out of contract with my expensive monitoring service. Is this system compatible with your central monitoring? I have the installer code.

If so, what is the procedure after signing up? Do you come out and reprogram the system or do I? (either is ok).


Welcome! suretyDIY is a DIY service provider.

All installation and maintenance is performed by the end user. An overview of how our service works here.

Vista 20P models after 2005 are compatible with via the System Enhancement Module. Other cellular modules cannot be used. If you have a SEM already, you can confirm whether it is unregistered by using this check tool.

With either a new SEM or existing unregistered SEM module, you would purchase service on our website. Once you submit the follow up information survey after the order, it will be ready to process. Orders are processed by customer service during business hours M-F.

Once processed you will receive a Welcome to suretyDIY email with initial login and connection instructions for your system.