Upgrading to GC3 -- Selling GC2, what do I need to do to factory reset?

I am thinking of upgrading to GC3, when I do get a GC3, I would like to sell the GC2 (with Verizon Cell) – So I am wondering, what would I need to do to get the GC2 ready for the next owner? Will the cell module be locked to a certain monitoring station/system – Will they be able to migrate it?

That depends entirely on the policies of your current service provider.

If suretyDIY is your service provider, the GC2 module will be released as soon as your account is switched to using your new panel and module and no longer using the GC2 and its module. It could then be used with the provider of the buyer’s choice, assuming the module is 3G. (Alarm.com is no longer allowing new accounts to be created with 2G modules due to sunsetting.) Programming is open with suretyDIY as well.

I would suggest changing/deleting any codes you plan to continue to use, such as your preferred installer code.

Thanks, Amanda, for your help.